

12/20/19 — Ada Broussard

Forget wish lists, letters to Santa, and piles of presents underneath the tree. You know what makes us farmers light up more than a big pile of homemade chocolate chip cookies and a glass of raw milk? Errr.... or maybe just as much? Fan mail. This week we wanted to share one special letter from our friend Jeremy that we recently received... as well as some kind words from CSA Members. Enjoy the fan mail, and if you feel so inclined, drop us a line and tell us why you love the farm. On freezing cold mornings, it takes reminders like these to get our tractors started!

"Keep up the Great work and THANK YOU for providing this service. I can't always make it to the Farmer's Market to purchase local vegetables. Having this CSA service always me to support local business and get local veggies rather than having to get veggies from the grocery stores which may come from many states away."

"We love you guys! Thanks for feeding us well for 3+ years now!"

"We are pretty new to the membership. So far it has been a fun experience.... We want to not only introduce our three year old to new veggies, but also expose him to how/where our food comes from. We feel it is important to understand the value of how precious our food supply is and the hard work that y'all do in order for us to eat well. Thank you for your time, dedication, and most of all hard work!"

"Overall, I love my experience! One of my favorite parts of the CSA is JBG's recipe blog. Especially when first signing up and having a surplus of red potatoes & collard greens (something I had never eaten before), I often turned to the blog to find inspiration for my meals. I don't rely on it quite as heavily now but I still have some of my favorite recipes that I go to when I have certain veggies or when I'm not feeling creative enough to come up with my own recipes. I'm so glad that I found this CSA and think that the quality produce combined with phenomenal customer service make it well worth it."

"I love being a part of JBG !"

"I was a CSA member, getting a medium box, several years ago. I stopped getting the box because it was becoming a chore to use all the vegetables, and I recently picked back up with the individual box after making some lifestyle changes. I am so impressed with the variety, it seems like this program has made some changes in the time I was out of it, and I am loving what I get in my box every week. I have a picky eater in my house, and she's also very excited and willing to try using something she says she doesn't like, and she usually winds up enjoying it. I value this program, and it is an important part of my life right now."

"Joining this CSA has been so wonderful! I tell everyone about it and it truly brings me joy. Thanks for all of your hard work!!"

"Thank you guys for all that you do. I grew up in Germany and miss the seasonal/farming/fresh connection to my food. Your veggies make my body feel happy :)"

"I’m very happy with my experience. We travel a lot so I’m not always consistent but have loved how easy this has made getting fresh quality veggies. Thanks!"

"We love our veggies! My kids now eat okra and kale chips thanks to you."

"Thank you! I am so grateful JBG exists. Also, you have the best carrots ever."

We love picking carrots, just for you.

We love hearing from you. Email us, write us, Instagram or Facebook us.


JBG 9515 Hergotz Lane Austin, TX 78742

@jbgorganic on Instagram and Facebook.