03/22/19 — Farm
Don’t forget! Our Spring Potluck and Open House is next Saturday, March 30th. If you plan to join us, snag your tickets now so we know who is coming! See you at the farm!
Club Home Made
Hello there!Ada (and Becky!) here – some of the women behind the scenes at the farm, and also the women behind our new side project that we’d like to tell you about: Home Made. Checkout our website and consider joining us in the kitchen!
Home Made food tastes better. Home Made meals have that unique quality to evoke nostalgia while nourishing your body, to truly warm the heart and soul, to taste delicious, to fuel your week, and to transform your kitchen space into a sanctuary for you and your loved ones. Think of your favorite holiday dish.. the one your family makes every year and that you’ve grown to crave. That specific homey and nourishing feeling that you get from that bite of food is what we will help you create… everyday, without a fuss, and while having fun.
Here is our elevator pitch: Homemade is an Austin-based meal prep club. Our Monday night gatherings will get your ready for a week of heartfelt and healthy eating. You’ll leave each Home Made Meeting with: 1. Three to four portions worth of prepped ingredients and 2. A clear vision on how to pull those ingredients together to make some satisfying food in your home kitchen. Each week we’ll focus on one of our favorite ways to incorporate seasonal ingredients into an easy meal. Join us, and leave class with a bounty of prepped ingredients, a few new friends, and a sense of empowerment that you can throw it all together.

How did this project come about? Becky and I have both been working at JBG for quite some time, and have been around farms, agriculture, and vegetable-centric cooking for a lot longer. And to put it frankly: we’re pretty darn good home cooks. How do you eat like a farmer? You become comfortable with the seasonal flux of produce and the occasional tsunami of certain ingredients. One hundred pounds of b-grade tomatoes destined for the compost become rich and velvety tomato sauce that will get us through the off-season. Farm work is hard work, and so weeknight meals are often doled out leftovers from a big and bright pot of something vegetable-centric and delicious that we made on Monday. We don’t have deep pocket books, but our fridge overfloweth. And I promise you: we eat like queens.
Becky and my cooking style is intuitive, ingredient-driven, simple and healthy. Through years of trial and error, our kitchen skills now come pretty naturally to both of us. But really, this “skill” has been a lifetime in the making! Becky grew up in Thailand and China, and the slow-food cultures of those regions helped form her unique food traditions. Grocery shopping as a kid were adventurous trips to Asia’s bustling open air markets. I hail from Lafayette, Louisiana, and though I shopped at Albertson’s growing up, I think I share some equally rich food traditions. Learning how to properly chop an onion was a childhood lesson at the Broussard house. Fast forward to today, and Becky and I have both become wonderful cooks. But, I don’t quite think that either of us recognized that this was in fact a skill until recently. Thank you to our friends who have held a mirror and pointed this out to us. You see, we’re not fancy cooks. We’re efficient, healthy, fun, and casual cooks. I don’t know how to operate a sous vide machine (though I’m sure I could figure it out), but I can throw together a beautiful and complete meal when friends text to say they’re swinging by in 30 minutes. Those of you who have been CSA members for a long time already know how to cook like this. Home Made isn’t quite for you. It’s for your friend who raves about your salads and declares that they would like to cook more, but just don’t know where to start. Please help us spread the word about our new project and tell them about Home Made.
Becky always knew that she wanted to be a farmer. Growing vegetables is truly her passion, and she found food through farming. I, on the other hand, found farming through food. Years ago after grad school and some lingering uncertainty on what I should do, I kept coming back to my inherent interest in food. But just loving food didn’t really seem like an altruistic pursuit. And then, like a big cast iron skillet falling on my head, I realized that there can be no food without farming, and why don’t I just try to help farms. Fast forward, and meet Home Made. Becky and I both have a true passion for sustainably grown vegetables and ethically sourced meats. We love our farming community, and look forward to empowering some hungry Austinites to cook more casual, healthy, and delicious Home Made food. It’s going to be fun!