11/09/18 — Heydon Hatcher
Ever wonder what it’s like to have the farm’s bounty at your fingertips? Become a member of our CSA or Community Supported Agriculture Program, and our farm's bounty will be yours... quite literally, we'll pack a box of our vegetables especially for you. The quality and variety of our produce is unparalleled at this time in our fall season. There’s nothing like opening up that CSA box to smell farm fresh veggies, see the vibrant spectrum of color, and crunch into those carrots because you just can’t wait until you get home. Plus, vegetables that are fresh from our farm simply taste better than anything you can buy at the grocery store. There are endless perks of being a CSA Member: your share can be delivered weekly or bi-weekly to your front door. If you prefer to peruse the farmers' markets, you can also pick up your share there and make it a social affair. Headed out of town for a week? No prob, shoot us an email and we can re-schedule. We know that you folks are movers and shakers. Maybe you joined the CSA and took a break when summer eggplant seemed like it had no end. Well, we recommend re-signing up during this magical time! This week we are going to take you through our favorite ten crops we are packing into the CSA boxes right now, and why you should be incorporating these veggies into your diet ASAP.
Luscious diversity. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The crops are stunning right now, and the variety is literally at its peak! As farms in other parts of the country are slowly closing up shop for the winter season, we are immensely lucky here in Texas to have such bounty and continue to farm year-round. Having access to fresh produce November through February is extremely unique and such a luxury. Don't miss out on this truly Texan experience. Sign up for the CSA now!

Japanese Turnips
With a healthy source of vitamin C and insoluble fiber, this sweet and mild bright white turnip packs a cancer-fighting punch with a healthy dose of phytochemicals. As for recipes, we love gobblin’ these up raw on a crudité plate or in a gratin, layered with cheese and herbs (Ada’s favorite).
Dino Kale
With a long tradition in the Tuscan region of Italy, this green boasts a dark green, almost blue hue with the perfect crunch. Perfect for soups like minestrone, sneaking some nutrients into a baked pasta dish, or raw in a salad, this kale offers a sweeter taste than curly kale. Your eyes will be thanking you, too, as this green is chockfull of carotenes and vitamin A.
This fresh herb can brighten up any dish. It lends to a variety of dishes from Mexican to Thai or even Indian. It’s a natural preservative, aids in skin health, and has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. So, toss a handful of cilantro atop your next fall soup for those awesome health benefits!
Red Radishes
These absolutely radiant beauties can be the perfect garnish for your breakfast tacos, spice up a salad, or can shine alone in a sauteed dish. From mild to spicy, these little root veggies will light up your taste buds with a distinctly sharp taste.
Fennel is immensely underused. Braise it or saute it with onions to add a sweet depth to any dish, kind of tastes like licorice, but don’t let that descriptor turn you off. Once cooked down, the flavor is milder, sweeter, and earthier. It can be eaten raw in a salad, or you can even make tea with the fronds!
Bunched Carrots
These are the freshest, tastiest carrots in town. Crunchy and sweet, carrots are best for snacking or roasting. If you haven’t delved into experimenting with carrot greens, you are seriously missing out. From carrot top pesto and chimichurri to carrot top tabouli salad, it’s like getting two veggies for the price of one.
Sweet Potatoes
Rich in complex carbs and dietary fiber, this crowd pleaser is brimming with vitamin C and the vitamin B's. Fun fact: the more orange the flesh the more beta-carotene a sweet 'tater has. Taste-wise, this tuberous root lends to a wide array of recipes, from super sweet pie to curries and roasts. Have you tried sweet potato toast?! This is a JBG office favorite, gluten-free and gosh darn delicious.
Bell Peppers
Feeling sick? Chop up a bell pepper for a healthy dose of vitamin C and an immune system boost. These capsicums are available in a range of colors, with green and yellow being our current heartiest at the farm. Favorite recipes include classic stuffed peppers, marinated & roasted peppers, and fajitas!
This cool weather loving superfood should be a staple in your cooking regimen if it isn’t already this season. Along with having all kinds of health benefits, this brassica rules raw, steamed, roasted, sauteed, in a stir-fry, the list goes on. Our recipe blogger, Megan puts it best: “I love broccoli because of it's deep, rustic flavor and it's ability to be a meal by itself when roasted in the oven.” Also, who doesn’t love a veggie that looks like a mini-tree?! We say you can definitely play with your food.
Great in hearty soups (‘tis the season!), cole slaw, or fermented, this crunchy fall crop lends to all kinds of preparations. Plus, it is low calorie and full of vitamin K (which aids in concentration and cognitive function), making it a bona fide brainfood!
The crops are stunning right now, and the variety is literally at its peak! As farms in other parts of the country are slowly closing up shop for the winter season, we are immensely lucky here in Texas to have such bounty and continue to farm year-round. Having access to fresh produce November through February is extremely unique and such a luxury. Don't miss out on this truly Texan experience. Sign up for the CSA now!