06/04/21 — Ada Broussard
In case you missed the announcement, Scott David Gordon, the farm photographer for the past 11 years (!!!) is leaving Texas. If you're a fan of SDG's photos, we encourage you to checkout his podcast, Austin Art Talk. The photos below will likely be his second to last time visiting the farm in a formal photography capacity, and we're so grateful that the flowers were there to greet him. There was plenty of mud, too. Wanna pick some flowers yourself? Our flower u-pick begins tomorrow at our Saturday Farmstand. Details here.
Scott sure knows how to take a box photo. Though photos like this of a farm's harvest are now pretty common... Scott really pioneered this style of photo for JBG some 11 or 12 years ago.
Jack giving some training to Jamie Lee, showing her 1 of our billion spreadsheets that make the farm go, go, go. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Burgeoning okra, from above. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Rain kissed green tomatoes, with a few blushing reds hidden deep. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Now isn't that a sight. We're waiting on warmer temps and sunnier days to turn all of these green tomatoes RED! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Fried green tomatoes, anyone? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Behold, the flowers! We planted zinnas and sunflowers along our entrance road. It's unclear who will delight in them more: customers, or our staff who have a cheery welcome to work everyday. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Zinnias are in bloom! Sunflowers are beginning their debut! Come to the Farmstand and help us pick these! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
This is a color pallet we can get behind. Bright and vibrant, just like the summer ahead. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The first blooms are always the prettiest. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Pollinators, rejoice! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Sunflowers, but furry. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A black hole of a sunflower. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A mesmerizing shot, just before boom. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Oh, hello! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We promise we grow more than flowers... broccoli and cauliflower, too. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The theme of the week? Mud. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Spring cabbage looking beautiful. Photo by Scott David Gordon.