04/09/21 — Ada Broussard
We’ve met many first-time gardeners at our ongoing Transplant Sale and Farmstand , and in honor of all the newbies out there, we’ve been sharing one person’s herbventure. In case you missed the beginning of Hector’s story where he divulges his deep desire for a cute herb garden of his own, here is part 1 and part 2. Today, we give you part 3. Soon, Hector will be casually clipping fresh herbs from his patio garden, which might even make their way in the next “CSA PSA” Instagram videos he creates for the farm. Are you like Hector, dreaming of a cute herb or vegetable garden of your own? Let us remind you that our Transplant Sale and (new) Farmstand are happening this Saturday at our Garfield farm from 9am - 1pm. The address is 4008 River Road, Garfield, 78612. We hundreds of varieties of summer transplants including peppers, tomatoes, squash, melons, flowers, and of course... herbs. Come on out!
Without further ado, Part 3 of Hector’s Herbventure:
Hector enjoying the Downtown Farmer's Market in a pre-covid world. Even then, he was dreaming of a cute herb garden. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Words and photos by Hector Gonzales.
I am afraid I didn’t inherit my mother’s green thumb. I guess this is a common situation, not only for backyard gardeners, but in general. Can I be as good as X-person? The answer is NO. I can only be as good as my previous efforts. This herb garden is a new venture in so many ways! Am I doing this right? Maybe. Will I be able to reach my goal of a cute herb garden? Who knows. Will I do my best? Definitely.
I got my herbs a few days ago from JBG and these look so cute!
The future of a very cute herb garden... we hope.
Now, the boxes. I have no carpentry skills. I took shop during my three years in Mexican middle school and my projects were NOT GOOD. So, I prefer to talk to experts who I trust on these.
I tried to contact some people I trusted. One, unfortunately for me, moved to Massachusetts while the other contact left me unread. It happens. I also asked my local Buy Nothing (https://buynothingproject.org/) group if they knew someone. This is how I got in contact with Christian Trice from Trice Terrain Services . He came to my place, checked the boxes I obtained and gave me a good time and budget estimate for the project. I was feeling confident.
My next big fear is how to take great care of my new green babies. I started reading articles and watching videos on what are the best practices and which plants work with which ones. ADVICE: while researching on Reddit, r/herbs is a good resource while r/HerbsGrowRoom is not the type I was into.
A pleasant surprise was hearing that Christian finished the project early. He protected the wood, put holes at the bottom, added a sublayer for irrigation, layered the box, added handles, and got fresh soil in these. I was delighted and impressed. I now had two beautiful new box planters. Check these out!
Hector's beauitful boxes, ready for planting.
My next challenge, transplanting.
To be continued.
Hector's CSA PSA comes out on Instgram just about every other week. During these segments, Hector unpacks his Medium CSA box and dreams up menu ideas on the fly. If you're a CSA member who needs some help figuring out what to cook... check out these segments on the "IGTV" tab on our Instagram.
Without further ado, Part 3 of Hector’s Herbventure:

Words and photos by Hector Gonzales.
I am afraid I didn’t inherit my mother’s green thumb. I guess this is a common situation, not only for backyard gardeners, but in general. Can I be as good as X-person? The answer is NO. I can only be as good as my previous efforts. This herb garden is a new venture in so many ways! Am I doing this right? Maybe. Will I be able to reach my goal of a cute herb garden? Who knows. Will I do my best? Definitely.
I got my herbs a few days ago from JBG and these look so cute!

Now, the boxes. I have no carpentry skills. I took shop during my three years in Mexican middle school and my projects were NOT GOOD. So, I prefer to talk to experts who I trust on these.
I tried to contact some people I trusted. One, unfortunately for me, moved to Massachusetts while the other contact left me unread. It happens. I also asked my local Buy Nothing (https://buynothingproject.org/) group if they knew someone. This is how I got in contact with Christian Trice from Trice Terrain Services . He came to my place, checked the boxes I obtained and gave me a good time and budget estimate for the project. I was feeling confident.
My next big fear is how to take great care of my new green babies. I started reading articles and watching videos on what are the best practices and which plants work with which ones. ADVICE: while researching on Reddit, r/herbs is a good resource while r/HerbsGrowRoom is not the type I was into.
A pleasant surprise was hearing that Christian finished the project early. He protected the wood, put holes at the bottom, added a sublayer for irrigation, layered the box, added handles, and got fresh soil in these. I was delighted and impressed. I now had two beautiful new box planters. Check these out!

My next challenge, transplanting.
To be continued.