01/08/21 — Ada Broussard
Happy New Year, everyone! We're so excited to bring you 2021's first installment of farm photos. The turn of the calendar has us feeling fresh, excited, and energized to farm. And goodness knows we need the energy... there is a lot to do! It's this time of year, when we're planting onions and garlic and harvesting winter crops, that our mind begins to wander to warmer days and spring tasks. It will be here before we know it! In fact, we've already received most of our seed for our spring crop plan as well as for our spring transplant sale. Will you be planting a spring garden this year? It's a great time to begin to prep! Scroll below to see the beautiful photos our photographer, Scott David Gordon, captured at the farm.
You eat the stems, right? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Blue, green, and orange are the colors of this week's carrot harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Our carrots are bunched in the field. There, the yellow leaves and too-small carrots are thrown to the ground, where they will eventually be tilled back into the soil. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Romaine, anyone? There has never been a better time to perfect your Cesar salad recipe. Give a homemade dressing a try, and we promise you won't regret it. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Kohlrabi means "cabbage turnip" in German, and these peculiar-looking vegetables are delicious eaten raw (in a slaw, like a cabbage), or throw in a stew, where they will soak up any flavors around them like pillowy sponges. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Isabel planting leeks. Make sure you stretch before planting a long row of leeks - lots of bending involved in this farm task! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Drifting clouds revealing a bluebird sky. We've got a pretty office, don't you think? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Checkout the size of these parsley plants! They're more like hedges! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Marisol taming the wildly lush parsley into big, beautiful bunches. Unsure what to do with your parsley? Blend it up with olive oil, salt, and lemon juice for a delicious sauce... which topped with parmesan and stopped up with bread, or frozen for future delight! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The fractical pattern of romanesco cauliflower is wonderous! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Crowns of broccoli, just harvested and laying there. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We are thankful for sunny days and a well-oiled harvest trailer. See the arms that spread out over the rows? Keeps us from bending over quite so much! Photo by Scott David Gordon