11/27/20 — Ada Broussard
What are you grateful for? Focusing on the aspects of your life that you’re grateful for is a wonderful way to invite a sense of joy and a practice of mindfulness into a busy and sometimes difficult season. This November, we asked our staff what they’re grateful for, and we wanted to share their responses with you.
- We are grateful for all of the people out there who buy our vegetables - whether it be at the farmers’ markets or through our CSA Program. We are grateful you are choosing to support our farm with your dollars. Without your support, we would not be able to provide jobs for our employees and nutritious food for our community.
- April: I am thankful for new life in the midst of so much heavy. Baby plants growing for this new season, my new niece Grace who was recently adopted by my brother, first-time family camping trips, new friends who cook with new veggies and spices I get the blessing of tasting! Thankful for selling wonderful produce for JBG and sharing health and happiness with other Wacoans.
- Steph: I am thankful for being able to work from home with my full-time job and spend more time with family. It's giving me time to reflect on what's important and what's not. I am also thankful that people understand the importance of the environment and that we really can make a difference with small changes. Lastly, I am very thankful for the fact that people are understanding the importance of our food system, its quality, and inquiring about where it comes from. I am hopeful for some lasting changes in the future.
- We are grateful for everyone who has donated CSA shares to our Sponsored Share program which sends fresh produce boxes to the Settlement Home and Safe Alliance.
- Jack: I am thankful for the health of my family, the opportunity and ability to buy my first house, and to have a job that challenges and rewards me every day. Thanks, that was a nice affirmative exercise.
- We are grateful for a mild fall season without any early freezes.
- Tom: I feel like I’ve been working so much lately that I’m thankful for meditation and candles. Also, I’ve been really into the habit of doing something musical throughout the week which has been really grounding - thankful I can drive around and practice singing at the top of my lungs all day (lol). Thanksgiving has such a violent origin, but I think practicing gratitude is incredibly important. I always find myself listening to this song this time of year.We are grateful for our operations manager, Krishna, who works tirelessly to make sure farm logistics, and our working environment, are running smoothly.
- We are grateful for Brenton and his wacky idea to start a farm all those years ago.
- Fawn: This year, I have been extra thankful for the stability and safety of my family and home. I am thankful for the farmers market community, for providing me with a safe social network, as well as a bounty of food to keep me and mine healthy. I am also thankful for my garden, which grounds me and grows my herbal allies.
- We are grateful for the health of all the JBG staff, and for everyone’s willingness and cooperation to follow strict procedures which has kept us all safe, and at work.
- We are grateful for the health of the JBG farm’s soil, and its ability to grow thousands of pounds of vegetables every year.
- Lauren: I am grateful for my partner and for our four cats who keep us constantly entertained. I am grateful to everyone who wears masks for each other's health. I am grateful for CSA customers who stop to chat after picking up their veggies--I love getting to know them--and I'm grateful for all the farmers who keep us fed!
- We are grateful for the safety of our delivery drivers, who drive hundred of miles every week schlepping veggies.
- Adam: My Thanksgiving shout out has to go to Texas' fall weather!! After working in the 100+ degree scorchers this past summer the more mild days are a well appreciated break. With everything finally cooling off, the guys out here at River Road are all in a great mood and looking forward to some big building plans!
- Scott: So many things to be grateful for. To start I’m grateful to be alive and to be relatively healthy. I’m grateful for my family and friends. I’m grateful for all the opportunities that are in this world, to connect with other people, and to travel and explore this beautiful planet. All of the knowledge in books, on websites, and stories told by elders. All of the beautiful art and architecture created over 1000’s of years. All of the love, caring, and compassion given to each other. And lastly I’m grateful to Brenton Johnson, who so many years ago started this farm which now has employed hundreds of people, and has fed thousands of people.
- We are grateful for the knowledge and wisdom of all the farmers’ at JBG who are able to work the land, tango with pests, and care for a bountiful fall crop.
- Rebecca McChesney: I am thankful for family and friends, good health, and employment (That is not something to take for granted these days.). The innovative spirit of Austin's film, food, and drink industry. Spending more time with my kids and husband and the bonding that has brought us closer.
- Andrew: My mother’s health and a job that’s steady and rewarding. Being cooping up in the house with my partner Nikki is honestly pretty awesome and a gorgeous doggo… I do miss playing live shows, though.
- A: I'm grateful for: A supportive partner who never fails to support me and two best friends who are basically my sisters. My job, where I'm surrounded by the most kind and intelligent people. My creative eye, that helps me find the beauty in the smallest of things. And finally for all the lessons I have learned in the past year -- Both about myself and about the world around. May we never return back to "normal" and always keep pursuing a better tomorrow.
- We are grateful for all of our CSA Members, especially those of you that have been around for years (!), who put faith in our farm operation and empower us to do what we do.
- We are grateful for all of the organizations in town that operate the vibrant farmers’ markets we attend. These folks understand the needs of local growers, and make sure we have a place to sell our produce, rain or shine, pandemic or not.
- We are grateful for all of the restaurants in town who choose to fill their menus with local ingredients, especially in this difficult year for the industry.
- Mike Mo: My Health and democracy!
- We are grateful for our employees and their courage as essential workers to continue farming, no matter what.
- We are grateful for grocery stores like Wheastville, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, and Central Market that stock their shelves with our products.
- Mackenzie Kelley: I am grateful for my health, and steady work this year. For mild weather. For the democratic process, which has allowed the people to choose new leadership. I am grateful for our two-year-old, is making sentences that leave us in stitches. I am grateful for the essential workers who keep us fed and safe.
- We are grateful for the health of our business and our ability to employ so many Austinies.
- Gianna: I got a full greenhouse full of baby leeks I'm thankful for! Also a sweet new pink car!
- Lori: A few things: flannel weather, all of the JBG cabbage hat is becoming kraut on my kitchen counters, and our harvesting and packing crews who are working so hard right now to get such a huge variety of veggies out into the world.
- Brenton: My partner, Kimberly.
- Ada: I'm grateful for my physical and mental health. I'm grateful for cool weather and the flexibility to spend so much time outdoors. I'm grateful for my nieces and nephews and all the videos they text me. I am grateful for access to nutritious vegetables, in abundance. I am grateful for my family, for the precious time I get to spend with them, and for my partner, Regan.
- Jon-Mark: I'm grateful I still got all 11 fingers after half a year of working at JBG.
- We are grateful for kale, and broccoli, spinach, chard, carrots, radishes, lettuce, beets, cauliflower, all the herbs, and all of the plants that we're able to cultivate at the farm. What a colorful bounty of food we can grow. As always, thank you for reading! We're grateful for that, too.
- We are grateful for all of the people out there who buy our vegetables - whether it be at the farmers’ markets or through our CSA Program. We are grateful you are choosing to support our farm with your dollars. Without your support, we would not be able to provide jobs for our employees and nutritious food for our community.