10/09/20 — Ada Broussard
This is the time of year when our CSA boxes are brimming with variety. Summer crops mingle with winter ones, and our CSA shares are truly their best selves. If you’re currently a CSA Member, we wanted to remind you of some of the perks that come along with being a member. And if you’re considering signing up, we wanted to remind you of your potential perks waiting for you when you join the club.
Your CSA Membership is a handshake deal with our farm. And we work really hard not to disappoint!
The vegetables hidden in these boxes are always grown by JBG farmers. You can rest assured that they're always safe, fresh... and delicious.
Another CSA Perk that is unique to our program is the ability to customize your box. We’re lucky enough to have a farmer (Brenton) whose brother (Aaron) is a talented web developer. Years ago, Aaron developed some software that allows our customers to swap out two vegetables they won’t want for ones they’d prefer. We love that we’re able to offer you this choice and as simple as this process may sound, it has actually taken years to refine. If you’ve been a member for a while, you might know that we had to press pause our customization feature at the beginning of the pandemic… in case you didn’t realize, it’s back!
Aaron and his wife Sherry (right) chatting with Brenton and Kimberly at last March's Spring Picnic. Thanks Aaron for making our CSA dreams come true!
Have a friend that might like the CSA? Do us a favor and tell them about it! It's the kind thing to do.
A (pre-Covid) scene from a local market. Can't you see the glimmer in our eye? CSA Members are our favorite!
If you follow us on Instagram, click on the TV icon at the top of our profile to see Hector's weekly "CSA PSA" videos. If you're new to the CSA, Hector will help you id the veggies... and figure out how to cook them!
Till next time!

PERK 1: First Dibs
As you might know, the vegetables we grow at JBG get pumped into the community in three main channels: at farmers’ markets, through restaurants and grocery stores, and through our CSA Program. If you’re a member reading this, we’re happy to inform you that you always get first dibs on the highest quality crops as well as the newest, most exciting crops. When a new crop makes its seasonal debut, it usually trickles in slowly, one harvest case at a time. During this initial period when there is only a limited quantity of the vegetable, we always make sure it’s allocated to CSA Members. CSA Perk number one: You get the first taste of seasonal shifts. We farm to please!
PERK 2: Fresh + Customized
Our farm’s CSA program is unique in several ways. First, it’s a true CSA! This means that all of the vegetables that arrive on your doorstep are planted, grown, and harvested by JBG employees at our Garfield, Texas farm. We can even tell you the block they were picked from if you’d like. Unlike other delivery services that aggregate vegetables from many sources, you can rest easy knowing exactly where your veggies come from. The biggest benefit of getting your vegetables straight from a farm? They’re fresh beyond comparison, spending no time in a storage facility or unnecessary transit. We harvest, pack, and then deliver our vegetables straight to you, meaning they end up on your chopping block very close to their harvest date. Fresh vegetables equate to more nutritious and delicious meals.Another CSA Perk that is unique to our program is the ability to customize your box. We’re lucky enough to have a farmer (Brenton) whose brother (Aaron) is a talented web developer. Years ago, Aaron developed some software that allows our customers to swap out two vegetables they won’t want for ones they’d prefer. We love that we’re able to offer you this choice and as simple as this process may sound, it has actually taken years to refine. If you’ve been a member for a while, you might know that we had to press pause our customization feature at the beginning of the pandemic… in case you didn’t realize, it’s back!

PERK 3: Referral Program
CSA Members, did you know we have a CSA Referal Program? We’ve found that one of our best marketing tools is word of mouth. Each Fall, when our fields are overflowing with vegetables, we are in a position to welcome new members to the club. If you enjoy the experience of being a CSA Member and find yourself cooking vegetable dishes more dazzling than you ever thought possible, consider referring a friend. Now is the ideal time - the variety in boxes will peak in the coming month! If your friend signs up using your referral code, you’ll get $20 towards your next subscription and they’ll get a free box. Sound too good to be true? It might be… so don’t dally and refer a friend soon. You can find your referral code by logging into your account. It is on the top right corner of the “My Deliveries” page. Shoot us a message if you have questions.
PERK 4: Apple of our Eye
How do we say this…. You’re our favorite child. Our CSA Program really is the bread and butter of our farm, and we hope to treat you as such. You’re the dill to our pickle, the apple of our eye. Sure, we love the fact that our veggies are on restaurant menus and grocery store shelves, but there is something so special about the direct relationship we have with our CSA Members… members of our community that have so much faith in our farming operation that they’ll pay us upfront for a season of veggies. We don’t take this responsibility lightly, and we are always working our hardest with your food in mind. Being a favorite child definitely has it’s perks, and if you join the CSA you’ll know what we mean.
PERK 5: Your Own Personal Farmer
When you join the CSA, you’re basically joining forces with a team of professional farmers to help you eat seasonally and become a vegetable wizard. We’re here to help you on this journey, and love when members shoot us messages asking “How do I cook these beets?!”. If you don’t know how to chop, store, or prepare a veggie, we’re here to help. Think of our 512 phone number as your own personal veggie hotline. You can get in touch on social media, too. Here is a link to our Instagram and another to our Facebook. We even tweet. Most Wednesdays, our social media Manager, Hector, usually does a “CSA PSA” where he unpacks a Medium CSA box and unveils his meal prep plan for the week. If you’re new to the CSA and are having trouble identifying all the veggies (or just knowing what to do with them!) consider tuning in… Hector’s an amazing cook and always has great ideas.
Till next time!