09/18/20 — Ada Broussard
Things at the farm are running like a well-oiled tractor. Scott captured happenings at both our Hergotz Packing Shed as well as our Garfield farm. Planning and planting, planting and planning. Late summer plantings of crops like okra and squash are dripping in fruit, and cool-season transplants like kohlrabi and cabbage are being planted everyday, all day. We're gearing up for fall, to be sure!
Andrew and the CSA crew packing peppers. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Sweet peppers, all the colors of the rainbow! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Delivery driver meeting and training. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Farmer Tracy leading the driver training, pictured in front of our breakroom. Do you spy the skateboard? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Transplants hardening off on the back of these flatbed trailers, soon to be planted! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Our late summer plantings of okra are looking particularly beautiful! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Squash, too! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Patty pan squash in its infancy. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Green onions for days! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
One of the most versatile vegetables we grow, to be sure. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Holes punches, kohlrabi planted. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A carpet of transplants by the satsuma trees. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Giana, our greenhouse manager, is in her busiest season. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Anna checking the transplanting going on behind her. Photo by Scott David Gordon.