07/03/20 — Ada Broussard
Last week, Scott's trip to the farm got rained out. This week, the vegetables were really showing off for Scott - sporting electric colors seemingly fueled by recent rains and scorching heat.
Wearing gloves to harvest vegetables is standard food safety policy at the farm. When picking hot peppers, they give the added benefit of spice protection! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Melon mania has begun! Just in time for these 100 degree days. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Jack making sense of greenhouse inventory. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The perfect partner for a cold watermelon. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Freshly harvested dandelion greens in the protective shade of our delivery-turn-harvest van. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A tropical plant, okra was brought to America via the transatlantic slave trade. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
One of our favorite fried okra recipes is up on the blog. How do you fry your okra? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A mess of tendrils. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A withered once-was-flower attached to a ridged pattypan squash. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We usually plant rows of basil in between 7-8 rows of tomatoes, and harvesting basil is a breezy reprieve from standing in the towering tomatoes. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Did you know that jalapenos will ripen to red? Red jalapenos spend more time ripening on the vine and have more time to develop capsaicin - the chemical that gives a pepper its spice. Hence, red jalapenos pack more of a punch than younger green ones. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
This summer we trialed a new variety of jalapenos that are bigger! Can you believe the size on these peppers? It certainly makes for easier picking. Photo by Scott David Gordon.