05/28/20 — Ada Broussard

Photo and recipe by Mackenzie Smith
According to the internet, cabbage is expected to be the main ingredient in slaw, but I couldn’t think of a better way to describe this tangy, crunchy kohlrabi & fennel situation with a hit of red onion, sweetened with a little raw honey, flecked with fresh herbs and chili flakes.
Any combination of crunchy fruit and veggies: apple, rutabaga, Asian pear, jicama, and yes, cabbage, work well with this dressing, which can also be endlessly adapted based on what you have on hand. Substitute lime or grapefruit for lemon-- or vinegar for citrus, jam or maple syrup for honey -- use what you have and tweak it till it tastes just right. Keep it crisp, and LMK if you think of a better name than slaw :)
Dressing: 4 tablespoons olive oil Juice and zest from one lemon ½ tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon vinegar ½ teaspoon fine sea salt 1 tablespoon fresh chopped dill
2 kohlrabi, peeled and julienned or grated 2 small fennel bulbs, thinly sliced ½ a small red onion, thinly sliced Chopped mint & dill (or any fresh soft herb) Red pepper flakes
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients with salt and chopped dill. Add kohlrabi to dressing and stir, then mix in fennel and onions. Top with a handful of fresh chopped herbs. Taste, and add salt if you think you should.