04/24/20 — Ada Broussard
How are you spending your time these days? For us, it's rows of carrots, potato flowers, and endless harvest schedules. Scott's trip out to the farm this week caught all the action typical of a JBG spring.
Beloved box truck # 3. She's been with us for a long time, hence the need for a paint-touch up. But really, we kinda like her just the way she is. You? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We heard you guys like carrots, so we planted a few more. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
These heads of romaine are sizing up. Coming to a CSA box near you, soon. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Luke, who joined our crew this past fall from a farm in Vermont, power washing the green picker in preparation for a harvest in a few weeks. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
New gravel on an old road. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The appearance of flowers on our potato plants indicates the end of their growing season.... which is a good thing! Because that means it's almost time to uproot these green plants and dig ourselves some potatoes! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Could these colors be any more electric? Photo by Scott David Gordon.
You don't have to look hard to find a reason to love chard.... Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Our chard plants love this warmer weather and the leaves size up to monstrous proportions - perfect for using like a tortilla for chard enchiladas. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Just a few short weeks ago every inch of this greenhouse was covered with spring plants. Now, most of these are in the ground and there are only clues to their previous home. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Lots of green, and a bit of red, leaf lettuce. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
If harvesting beets don't bring you joy, you're not doing it right. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A farm in thirds: dandelion, tractor, Texas sky. Photo by Scott David Gordon.