04/10/20 — Ada Broussard
Spring is in full swing at the farm and Scott captured some magical morning shots of the busy-calm that seems to have settled over the whole farm.
We're not packing more CSA boxes than ever. This week's box colorful box contents are hopefully a source of joy for all of our CSA Members - veterans and newbies, alike. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
CSA Shares wrapped and ready to go. We have had to hire new delivery drivers and even purchase a new delivery vehicle to meet this incredible demand. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Might as well be a watercolor painting. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A cool misty morning like this is welcome weather. Before we know it, it will be 90 degrees by 9am. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
On your mark, get set.... Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Here, Vicente pulls our under-cutter bar and gets the beds of carrots ready to bunch. This implement works pretty well to prep for carrot-harvesting, but reaches it's optical performance with the help of some added weight. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Romaine calm, they say. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
String will be strung between these wooden stakes - helping to support our tomato plants, which will grow into an unruly jungle in just a couple of months. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Order seeds, plant seeds, nurture transplants, prep beds, plant tomatoes, place stakes, string tomatoes.... if you've ever wondered why organic tomatoes from your local farm are a bit more expensive than their conventional grocery store counterparts, these stakes are part of the reason why. A successful tomato crop takes is truly a labor of love. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
An army of tomatoes, waiting to be stakes. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Thousands and thousands of pounds of tomatoes to come. Soon, you'll be able to reserve your box of 'maters, making all of your home canning dreams come true. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Even the tractors are socially distancing. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
It has been, and continues to be planting season. Here, another succession of younger tomatoes is going in next to their older tomato amigos. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Spinach harvest. Popeye would be proud. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Carlos is spreading organic fertilizer before we shape the beds. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
This year we've planted around 15,000 tomato plants. Needless to say, that requires a lot of stakes. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Here, we're cultivating in between the carrot crops to minimize the weed pressure. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We heard you guys liked carrots... Photo by Scott David Gordon.