03/27/20 — Ada Broussard
The farmers' markets in our community are important food access points and will remain open. Our booth and the way we operate, however, are very far from normal. No customers are allowed inside our booth, and designated staff are packing orders for customers on by one. Surfaces, hands, registers- they're all being sanitized on a strict schedule. The list goes on, and so do the vegetables.
All of our staff are required to wear gloves and also sanitize their hands every hour. Dusty is taking up his protection to a new level with his very smart, and stealth looking mask. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Surprise! You're not allowed in our booths. During this time, no shoppers are allowed inside our booth and you will be greeted with a table blocking your entrance. We have designated staff to handle veggies and designated staff to handle cash, and never shall the two mix. Please come to our booth having an idea of what you would like to order - our staff will pack up a back for you. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Ordering a CSA share is a wonderful way to facilitate quick , no contact pickup at market. Our CSA signup is temporarily closed, but feel free to enter your email when prompted on the signup page to get updates on the program. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Our golden beets are looking beautiful! Two vegetables, in one. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Thank a farmer, like Dusty, if you head to market. Maybe even give them an air-five. We sincerely appreciate the hard work of our market staff who are dedicated to providing the community with safe, organic, and fresh vegetables. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Not only are market customers asked to social distance, but vendor booths are also spaced out from each other. We miss being huddled up next to our neighbors, but this breathing room is the way to go. Notice anything else missing from our booth? We're foregoing tablecloths right now to more easily sanitize the tables. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
It's spring! And that means our crops aren't slowing down for anything. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
This Saturday we're hosting a farmstand at our Garfield farm where you will also be able to grab Spring Transplants. If you need advice on what to plant, stand 6 feet away from Brenton and ask him yourself. Farm stand and transplant sale: 9am-2pm, 4008 River Road Garfield, 78612. Please make sure to use this address; google may lead you to our other location. Photo by Scott David Gordon.