03/13/20 — Ada Broussard

Whether you’re worried about stocking your pantry or concerned about how to stay well, we’re here for you. Full plates of organic and local vegetables are the perfect fuel to keep a healthy body vibrant, and our produce will do just that. We assure you that our harvest, packing, and delivery procedures are as safe as ever.
Our farm is following the guidance published by the CDC for businesses and employers, the City of Austin, as well as well as all procedures required by our Organic and GAP certification, many of which revolve around food safety, equipment and tool sanitization, and employee hygiene. Both GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and Organic Certification require establishing rigorous and detailed protocol and procedures that ensure the health and safety of not only our employees working on the farm, but also of the vegetables that leave the farm. We are proud of these systems as well as our employees’ sustained compliance with them. (By the way, within the past 6 months we’ve been a part of routine audits by the TDA, USDA, as well as our organic certifier, NICS: We passed each audit with zero issues or concerns!).

Given the times, we are also taking a few extra precautions: All of our delivery vehicles are equipped with hand sanitizer so that delivery drivers can sanitize along their route. Farmers’ market staff are additionally being asked to sanitize their hands routinely between customers, and both sets of employees are washing their hands more often than what is required by food safety regulations… which is a lot to begin with. Our partners at the farmer’s markets are also taking COVID-19 seriously. Texas Farmers’ Market has increased the number of sanitization stations and are not allowing self-service of samples to customers. The Sustainable Food Center is similarly setting up additional hand-washing stations and will “remain in communication with the City of Austin regarding any potential for suspension or closure of our markets. As a point of food access for our residents, at this time the city is not recommending that we interrupt our services and the markets will continue.”
As a reminder to all of our CSA Customers: If you live in the Austin-area, home delivery is an option for an additional $5/delivery. We know avoiding public spaces may help alleviate potential stress for you during this time. To see what day we visit your neighborhood, simply enter your zipcode on this page. If you have any conflicts with your current delivery schedule, reminder that you can reach out to Faith at farm@jbgorganic.com.
For those of you looking for a wonderful reason to spend most of your weekend at home, might we suggest getting a spring garden started?! We speak from experience when saying that some time in the sun and the dirt is good for your health. Our Spring Transplant Sale will be going on for an additional 3 Saturdays: 3/14, 3/21, and 3/28! The sale is from 9am-2pm in our greenhouses, located at 4008 River Road, Garfield, 78612. This weekend we’re excited to again distribute free trees provided by Tree Folks. This weekend's saplings include Texas Mountain Laurel, Texas Persimmon, and Mexican Buckeye. In addition to these trees, we have tons of organic vegetable transplants for sale including endless varieties of cherry and slicing tomatoes (Chocolate Cherokee?!), hot and sweet peppers, squash, okra, and a whole medley of herbs like Holy Basil, mint, and oregano just to name a few. We purged our seed cooler and have the transplants to prove it. We also have farm-grade tomato stakes and cages as well as compost for sale. No need to go anywhere else.

If you’re unable to make it to the farm, a reminder that you can pre-order your transplants online and pick them up at a farmer’s market. *The delivery cutoff for any same-week delivery is Thursday afternoon. Order today (Friday 3/13) and your transplants will be delivered next weekend (3/20 or 3/21).
As always, thank you for your support of local agriculture. In contrast to produce you might find in a grocery store, our veggies aren’t passing through any middle-men or distribution warehouses. Vegetables go from our farm to your kitchen, providing you with not only safe, but also delicious, ingredients to fuel you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, and have a wonderful day.