08/02/19 — Ada Broussard
This week we've transitioned to August, and that means we're at least half way through the summer. In this extreme heat, there is a limited number of vegetable varieties that will produce, meaning our schedules slow down a bit. Brenton took advantage of the slower summer pace and snuck away for a well-deserved vacation. But here's photographic proof that when the farmer's away.... we keep farming! This week we harvested eggplant, peppers, and herbs, just to name a few. As many of you know, earlier plantings of cucumbers and melons fell victim to crop failure, but this week we're happy to see healthy flowering plants on our later successions.
A pollinator playground. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
It's an [eggplant] jungle out there. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The fruits of our labor. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Have we mentioned how much we love our harvest trailers? They minimize the need to carry heavy bins of produce, helping to create a happier and healthier harvest team. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Our greenhouses are filling up! Thanks to all the volunteers who helped seed these trays! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Jack overseeing some tractor triage. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
A meeting of the minds, if you will. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
An itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, cucumber. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Jack cultivating for a weed-free mizuna patch. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
We'll leave you with this dreamy cantaloupe bed.