07/04/19 — Ada Broussard
Our greenhouses have been empty for the past couple of months. We've stored tomato boxes in there, used the space to cure some onions, but for the most part these 4 large structures have been void of much activity and life. But as the seasons go, that's all about to change. Beginning this week (and not stopping until the end early September!) the greenhouse will transform into one of the busiest places on the farm as our Greenhouse Manager, Gianna, works to get our fall crops seeded. This moment in our planting season is when we truly rely on our community volunteers to help us get set for our busiest season - fall.
Volunteers helping Gianna, our greenhouse manager, mix soil and fill flats. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Have you volunteered with us before? If so, you know what a good time it is. If you have never volunteered with us at our Garfield farm, here is overview of what to expect: After heading east on 71, passing the Garfield water tower which tells you you're almost there, you suddenly find yourself in the country. And then, at the farm with fields of vegetables for pretty much as far as you can see. You head to the greenhouse, where some music may or may not be quietly playing from an old CD player, have covered in dirt. You settle in, meet our staff, and get to work. Our Garfield volunteers help mix soil for our transplant trays (or "flats" as we call then), fill trays with dirt, and put individual seeds into each tiny hole. At first the seeding work seems monotonous, and you're a little worried that you will be doing this all day.. but then, you get into a farmer groove, a meditative state where soil, seeds, good conversation and sweet tunes fuel your work, and suddenly it's time to go home. A bounty of veggies in tow.
Not your typical greenhouse picture. Photo by Scott David Gordon
We accept volunteers every Monday-Friday at our Garfield greenhouse, and every Tuesday-Friday at our Hergotz Packing shed-where you'll help us prepare for markets by washing and sorting veggies. All volunteer shifts are from 8am-1pm, and you must RSVP ahead of time before coming. Aside from the camaraderie, ability to interact with your food system, chance to learn about farming and stretch your legs, perhaps one of the best parts about volunteering with us is the bounty of vegetables you leave with. Each volunteer leaves the farm with what amounts to a medium (plus) CSA share. Aka: a ton of fresh food, the literal fruits of your labor.
We sincerely love our volunteers - it's these changing faces at the farm that help to keep things interesting when the season's get tough. Our volunteers help to add diversity to our day - volunteers come from all walks of life, from varying parts of Austin, and for a plethora or reasons. A few years ago The Chronicle mentioned our volunteer program as a great place to meet singles.. and yep, romances really do form after a day of volunteering.
Brenton talking shop with some of our volunteers. Photo by Scott David Gordon
If you'd like to get involved at the farm but our regular volunteer shirts don't work for you, shoot Angie and email at volunteeer@jbgorgnaic.com and let us know how you'd like to help. We sometimes have volunteers help us paint our delivery vehicles, setup for farmers' markets, or even help us with marketing endeavors. And if you're interested in farm life but would prefer to, you know, get paid for your time... we're also hiring.
If you read this blog regularly, you know that farming is not easy work. We're not the only farm looking for volunteers, and we encourage you to share your time resources with other local growers as well. Two local farm volunteer events are happening this weekend. On Saturday, Urban Roots is having their last volunteer day of the season, and on Sunday, Hat and Heart Farm is having their (first ever!) volunteer day. Green Gate Farm and Farmshare Austin also usually have regular volunteer work days.
When Brenton very first got his backyard garden started, he turned to Craig's List to find volunteers. Today, we're so grateful to have a robust volunteer community, full of folks who have been coming to us, once a week, for years. If you have been curious what volunteering at the farm is like, we strongly encourage you to itch that curiosity...now! We could truly use the help now more than ever. Again, head to our volunteer webpage to learn a bit more and also to RSVP.
"A room with a view." Picture from Instagram, courtesy of volunteer @cestaimee

Have you volunteered with us before? If so, you know what a good time it is. If you have never volunteered with us at our Garfield farm, here is overview of what to expect: After heading east on 71, passing the Garfield water tower which tells you you're almost there, you suddenly find yourself in the country. And then, at the farm with fields of vegetables for pretty much as far as you can see. You head to the greenhouse, where some music may or may not be quietly playing from an old CD player, have covered in dirt. You settle in, meet our staff, and get to work. Our Garfield volunteers help mix soil for our transplant trays (or "flats" as we call then), fill trays with dirt, and put individual seeds into each tiny hole. At first the seeding work seems monotonous, and you're a little worried that you will be doing this all day.. but then, you get into a farmer groove, a meditative state where soil, seeds, good conversation and sweet tunes fuel your work, and suddenly it's time to go home. A bounty of veggies in tow.

We accept volunteers every Monday-Friday at our Garfield greenhouse, and every Tuesday-Friday at our Hergotz Packing shed-where you'll help us prepare for markets by washing and sorting veggies. All volunteer shifts are from 8am-1pm, and you must RSVP ahead of time before coming. Aside from the camaraderie, ability to interact with your food system, chance to learn about farming and stretch your legs, perhaps one of the best parts about volunteering with us is the bounty of vegetables you leave with. Each volunteer leaves the farm with what amounts to a medium (plus) CSA share. Aka: a ton of fresh food, the literal fruits of your labor.
We sincerely love our volunteers - it's these changing faces at the farm that help to keep things interesting when the season's get tough. Our volunteers help to add diversity to our day - volunteers come from all walks of life, from varying parts of Austin, and for a plethora or reasons. A few years ago The Chronicle mentioned our volunteer program as a great place to meet singles.. and yep, romances really do form after a day of volunteering.

If you'd like to get involved at the farm but our regular volunteer shirts don't work for you, shoot Angie and email at volunteeer@jbgorgnaic.com and let us know how you'd like to help. We sometimes have volunteers help us paint our delivery vehicles, setup for farmers' markets, or even help us with marketing endeavors. And if you're interested in farm life but would prefer to, you know, get paid for your time... we're also hiring.
If you read this blog regularly, you know that farming is not easy work. We're not the only farm looking for volunteers, and we encourage you to share your time resources with other local growers as well. Two local farm volunteer events are happening this weekend. On Saturday, Urban Roots is having their last volunteer day of the season, and on Sunday, Hat and Heart Farm is having their (first ever!) volunteer day. Green Gate Farm and Farmshare Austin also usually have regular volunteer work days.
When Brenton very first got his backyard garden started, he turned to Craig's List to find volunteers. Today, we're so grateful to have a robust volunteer community, full of folks who have been coming to us, once a week, for years. If you have been curious what volunteering at the farm is like, we strongly encourage you to itch that curiosity...now! We could truly use the help now more than ever. Again, head to our volunteer webpage to learn a bit more and also to RSVP.