06/07/19 — Heydon Hatcher

We have been busy picking tomatoes at the farm! It feels like all of a sudden it's summer. We have had such an unusually cool year... it hasn't even been in the high 90's yet and it's Austin in June! This means that our tomatoes have been ripening later than usual. Normally by this time of year, we are harvesting loads of tomatoes, and next week will be our first major harvest. We have a great variety this year (as you can see in the photos): Heirlooms, San Marzanos, Cherries, and the big ole slicer Beefsteaks!
Like we mentioned last week, we didn't plant as many tomatoes this year, so our tomato season will be shorter and more focused on getting the best tomatoes we can to our CSA community! We aren't doing a U-Pick, so if you want to ensure your portion of the tomato harvest, grab some 'maters through our bulk sale.
With all the rain, it's like a forest out at the farm. We are just starting to harvest eggplant, peppers, and okra, and getting sweet potato planting started, too. Come check out the summer harvest at markets this weekend.