06/07/19 — Heydon Hatcher
We think that our staff is the best in the business (okay, okay, we are a little biased), but the JBG family hails from all over the place and covers the gamut in talents and interests. We love sharing events, adventures, and side projects that inspire and excite our JBG-ers (food-related or not) with the community. Check out the staff-curated list of favorites below!
JBG-ers. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Kathleen, the bride, at Bufalina. Photo by Heydon Hatcher.
The summer heat is upon us and my swimming needs have increased tenfold, so Deep Eddy and Barton Springs are, of course, my June staff pick. There's nothing like the cooling spring waters of these two Austin mainstays.
Friends at Deep Eddy. Photo by Heydon Hatcher.
This summer, I'm really looking forward to canning/preserving even more than I did last year. My pickles last year were a flop so I hope I can keep them crisp this year. I may pickle some okra and yellow squash too. I would like to get peaches at the markets to make jams and pies.
And once I make a big ol' batch of tomato sauce then I can make veggie lasagna, eggplant Parmesan, spaghetti, etc. My veggie lasagna is killer! I make it without noodles and just use thinly sliced eggplant, zucchini, and summer squash instead. I make vegan ricotta out of cashews and a "meaty" mushroom and onion mix, layer it all up, top it with some store-bought vegan cheese and pop it in the oven. I have perfected this recipe over the years, stealing elements from recipes I have found online. It takes me several hours to make but it's so worth it! Even meat lovers agree that it is yummy and satisfying. This summer is going to be so delicious!
Fruit picking in the San Juan Islands. Photo by Megan Winfrey.
Oysters! Photo by Megan Winfrey.
Turtle friend on the property. Photo by Stephanie Shelton.
GSP, Grady. Photo by Hannah.

Faith (Customer Service Extraordinaire)
My pick this month is Parallel Lives. Remember the black-haired witch from Hocus Pocus? Well, she wrote a two-person play with her comedic partner Mo Gaffney, and it's really funny. Go see it!Heydon (Farm Writer)
My dear friend, Kathleen got married this past weekend and had a really intimate post-city hall lunch with friends at Bufalina. It was my first time visiting this Austin establishment and the pizza was perfection. Not to mention the summer salads and charcuterie boards... it was the perfect place to share food with friends and celebrate. Check it out!
The summer heat is upon us and my swimming needs have increased tenfold, so Deep Eddy and Barton Springs are, of course, my June staff pick. There's nothing like the cooling spring waters of these two Austin mainstays.

Devon (Farmer's Market Manager)
Summer veggies are back and I am so happy to see them! And tomatoes are finally here!! I love canning homemade tomato sauce. Last year I saved a few jars worth and every time I opened one I was renewed with the pride of eating food that I made fresh and successfully stored. My family was always big on preserving food. When I was growing up, my stepdad had a garden in the backyard and he put up homemade pickles and jams every year. My great-grandmother had years and years worth of olives from her tree canned in the pantry. I remember being a kid and eating a jar of olives that had the year BEFORE I was born on the label. So I like to preserve food to carry on the tradition and also have peace of mind that I'm less likely to starve when the zombie apocalypse hits.This summer, I'm really looking forward to canning/preserving even more than I did last year. My pickles last year were a flop so I hope I can keep them crisp this year. I may pickle some okra and yellow squash too. I would like to get peaches at the markets to make jams and pies.
And once I make a big ol' batch of tomato sauce then I can make veggie lasagna, eggplant Parmesan, spaghetti, etc. My veggie lasagna is killer! I make it without noodles and just use thinly sliced eggplant, zucchini, and summer squash instead. I make vegan ricotta out of cashews and a "meaty" mushroom and onion mix, layer it all up, top it with some store-bought vegan cheese and pop it in the oven. I have perfected this recipe over the years, stealing elements from recipes I have found online. It takes me several hours to make but it's so worth it! Even meat lovers agree that it is yummy and satisfying. This summer is going to be so delicious!
Megan (Recipe Developer)
Girls trip to Orcas Island!!! I’ll never miss an opportunity to visit the San Juan Islands, it’s Pacific Northwest paradise! Hopefully, we’ll see some whales, and we will definitely be hiking, oyster eating, lake swimming, fruit picking, kayaking, and porch hanging to our hearts' content.

Mike Mo (Wholesale Manager)
HBO's new show, Chernobyl. It's frightening, eye-opening, and crazy how little the world knew about what was happening at the time. Check it out.Stephanie (Farmer's Market Crew)
I was just reminded that I've been working with JBG since 2011! I was part of the wonder-team at Barton Springs Farmers Market back in the good 'ole days. At the time, I found myself missing my family farming roots and needed a fix; JBG saved the day! I still happily jump behind the booth from time-to-time but this past year, I've been spending more time with the family on our new property in Northeast Texas. I am able to follow my true passion, being a wildlife biologist for myself, without getting paid. Management plan in place, check, bluebird boxes, check, honeybees, check, playing with wild plants and animals, check!
Hannah (Farmers' Market)
Now that summer is here I am stealing my mom's vintage convertible and riding around town or into the hill country with my little sister & her GSP pup, Grady!