12/14/18 — Heydon Hatcher
Here at the farm, we partner and supply weekly vegetable donations to a handful of Austin organizations that are truly unsung community heroes. This past week, we had the immense privilege of visiting our partner of 7 years, The Settlement Home, an all women-run private nonprofit that cares for young women who have been removed from chaotic, abusive, and neglectful backgrounds through a variety of services and programs, on their gorgeous and very impressive 10-acre campus. With around 50 girls on site, they are placed into different programs depending on their individual needs with the ultimate goal of being reuniting with their families or matching up with a suitable adoption family. The Settlement Homes' vision statement is "working to end the cycle of child abuse"; and every part of this nonprofit's meticulous programming and the staffing's determination speaks to that end goal. During our tour, we learned about the 4 programs that the Settlement Home runs on campus:
Ada and Heydon getting a tour at The Settlement Home. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Group home kitchen. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
a sign in the on-campus charter school. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Artwork at The Settlement Home. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
On our tour of The Settlement Home’s lively and colorful campus, we quietly moseyed through their small but mighty on-campus UT charter school whilst classes were in session. We passed the high-quality track and field en route to the campus "Clothes" closet. This closet is set up much like a boutique - girls can shop for clothes needed for extracurricular activities, jobs, or just the regular day-to-day. Need a haircut? The boutique also houses the salon where stylists will come in to freshen up girls’ hairstyles from time to time. We also had the opportunity to tour one of the group homes and chat with the therapist on staff. We could not be more elated to be partnered with such a passionate group of driven and amazing women.
Clothes closet. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Heydon and Ada getting a tour of the clothes closet. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Wondering how the Settlement Home utilizes our weekly veggie haul? During the week, chefs come in to cook lunch and dinner for the girls using our fresh produce, and the group homes cook for themselves, planning the week and weekend meals depending on what vegetables are available! Meal-planning is certainly another giant step towards self-sufficiency.
Fun fact: with 3 medium JBG CSA boxes being delivered each week for 7 years, that totals to around 1,092 boxes which is over 20,000 lbs of vegetables or around 26,200 servings of fresh vegetables a year!
The cafeteria decorated for the holidays. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
The Settlement Home tour. Photo by Scott David Gordon.

Residential Treatment Center
The Settlement Home Residential Treatment Center (RTC) comprises of three cottages that provide an immensely structured environment. RTC has 27 beds for girls in need of 24-hour care to ensure safety and a sense of security. Most all of the girls attend the University of Texas charter school on campus (which covers 6th through 12th grades) and eat meals at the campus cafeteria.Therapeutic Group Homes
The Settlement Home’s three group fosters homes are for girls ages 7 through 18 who have successfully completed treatment in the RTC or have moderate or specialized designations. Each home is staffed with a house mom and run by a licensed therapist who provides individual, group, and family therapy as well as treatment planning and consultation. These homes are focused on building life skills in a more independent environment that will prepare the girls for life on their own or being integrated back into a family situation. The girls plan and cook meals together, have a robust schedule chock full of recreational activities, and are out in the community on a regular basis. These girls either attend public schools in the surrounding area or on-campus at the charter school. Each group home focuses on a different program depending on the needs of the girls.
Transitional Living Program
This program offers females between the ages of 18 and 21, who have aged out of the foster care system, to apply for an efficiency apartment on The Settlement Home’s 10-acre property. This allows these young adults to have a little more time to strengthen life skills in a more lenient, safe, and supported environment. Each apartment houses one youth and offers utilities with basic cable/internet service. Residents meet regularly with a therapist who helps them set goals and continue work towards independence. The Settlement Home requires that residents have a high school diploma or their GED, and either have a job or actively pursue higher education during their stay.
Foster & Adoption Program
This program's HQ is housed on-campus but the foster homes are spread throughout the community. The Settlement Home locates, screens, trains, and verifies potential foster and adoptive parents to become providers for them. On top of that, The Settlement Home offers continuing education and development for those chosen to serve and provides on-call support, respite care, and crisis intervention when necessary. The Settlement Home believes that every child has a right to a permanent and stable home and that this campus will be each foster child's last stop before they find permanency in a home whether with their family, a kinship placement or in an adopted home.
On our tour of The Settlement Home’s lively and colorful campus, we quietly moseyed through their small but mighty on-campus UT charter school whilst classes were in session. We passed the high-quality track and field en route to the campus "Clothes" closet. This closet is set up much like a boutique - girls can shop for clothes needed for extracurricular activities, jobs, or just the regular day-to-day. Need a haircut? The boutique also houses the salon where stylists will come in to freshen up girls’ hairstyles from time to time. We also had the opportunity to tour one of the group homes and chat with the therapist on staff. We could not be more elated to be partnered with such a passionate group of driven and amazing women.

Wondering how the Settlement Home utilizes our weekly veggie haul? During the week, chefs come in to cook lunch and dinner for the girls using our fresh produce, and the group homes cook for themselves, planning the week and weekend meals depending on what vegetables are available! Meal-planning is certainly another giant step towards self-sufficiency.
Fun fact: with 3 medium JBG CSA boxes being delivered each week for 7 years, that totals to around 1,092 boxes which is over 20,000 lbs of vegetables or around 26,200 servings of fresh vegetables a year!

JBG Sponsored Share Program
During the holidays, a deluge of helpful donations are frequently sent to organizations like this; however, often with the exception of fresh food. As we relish the holiday season with all the many celebrations and overflowing merriment, what better time to shower our neighbors in need with some fresh veggie donations? Your ongoing support of the CSA makes weekly Settlement Home deliveries possible, and we could not support these worthwhile organizations without your generous support. Consider donating your CSA share over the holidays instead of postponing! This time of year can be really tough for the girls at the Settlement Home, and what better way to share holiday joy than through nourishing vegetables. Just email us at farm@jbgorganic.com if you are interested in donating, or if you’d like to purchase an additional share to donate (or purchase one on a loved one’s behalf), you can do that here! Happy Holidays!