11/30/18 — Heydon Hatcher

We are busy as always here at the farm. We have a ton of crops in the fields; however, we can definitely tell that fall has arrived. The colder weather has been slowing us and the crops down little by little and has us anticipating sweet spring to reenergize us and the land! Greens are tastier than ever right now. The cold weather and morning frosts really bring out the flavor, so don't be scared to eat your greens if they have a little frost damage. It's also a great time to get into fermentation... all the ingredients are here. Grab some cabbage and radishes for those ferments at the market this weekend. Kimchi for the win!
As some of you know, last week there was an advisory against eating romaine lettuce. Many of you reached out to ensure that our romaine was still safe to eat (which it was!). If you're curious how this story is progressing, looks like the CDC has identified the source of the E. coli to be from farms in Central California. Check out more info here.