05/04/18 — Heydon Hatcher
Quick reminder: For a very limited time, we're having a BULK TOMATO PRESALE. Pre-order 20 lbs. of our mouth-watering beef steak slicing tomatoes and we'll deliver them to a farmers' market of your choice during the peak of our tomato season. Projected delivery dates are between June - June 30. Why pre-order? Well, put simply: so you don't miss out. Our tomatoes are a coveted crop, and we often sell out. Order now to reserve your share of this summer's tomato harvest and make sure your salsa-making dreams come true.
Farm pups.
This week, we are allowing the farm dogs, that you have all grown to know and love via social media + farm photo updates, have a taste of the farm blog limelight. Missoula, Chucha, and Roxy are our three dreamboat farm pups, and they are so ingrained in the farm lifestyle that we would absolutely be lost without them. They serve as emotional support during those long and stressful farm days, entertainment when someone’s in dire need of a smile, companionship for farm walks long or short, and an endless supply of friendly tail wags to anyone who graces the farm. First, we will hand off the mic to Roxy.
Roxy. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Hey farm friends! Roxy here. My story starts when Carrie found me on the side of the road around 6 years back. I haven't seen her in a while... miss you, Carrie. It’s all kind of a blur at this point because I like to focus on the now. Anyhoo, I was excited to be welcomed into the farm family, and when I set eyes on Brenton, I knew I had found home. My love and dedication to him cannot be rivaled. I usually follow him around because he needs me. But, if he’s nowhere to be found (I can’t believe I lose him sometimes! I can get so distracted by other people or smells 'n stuff.) I usually hang out with my yellow-haired friend, Casey. I love hanging out behind her desk while she’s talking into that thing that rings all the time. She needs me, too. Sleeping there is nice because I can rest (farm-dogging is tiring), and also get up to date on the gossip (her desk is the center of the office world). I really like people. When I'm not getting the attention I deserve, I usually just resort to getting on the two-legged level. Standing on my hind legs, I'm that much closer to the human heart. When a newcomer comes to the farm, Casey and Brenton usually warn people - 'don't give her too much attention or she'll push you down'. Well, what do they know? Hugs are the window into the human soul... I think that’s how the saying goes.
Roxy adoring Brenton. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Working the tractor because Brenton can't do anything without me.
Gah, farm life is the best. I don’t have any complaints. Besides when people talk about my weight. I mean I really love that people care because I love them, too, but come on, It’s hard enough to be a lady dog. For the last time, I’m just naturally thin. I eat fine, I mean I live on a farm for goodness sakes. Especially with Grandpa Krishna around, giving out cookies every time I sit on command or just look at him with my dreamy eyes. Gah, I love that guy, too. He needs me.
Krishna and me.
I love you, whoever is reading this. Come to the farm and I’ll give you a hug because I love you.
Missoula. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Missoula here. In case you didn’t know, I’m the first bona fide office dog. It’s kind of my calling. It’s hard to leave every day because I think I was meant to be here. Things wouldn’t run without me. Sometimes I just lay on my back for an extra 30 minutes, at least, when my partner, Ada, is trying to leave because there's still work to be done at the end of the day. I think it frustrates her, but she takes videos oftentimes, so I get the feeling it's entertaining. So two birds with one stone, I guess.
I don’t really like to dwell on my past, but I came from the Hill Country and crossed paths with my girl, Ada (she sits at a desk at the farm so I think she's important), when I was frolicking through a field that I’m super fond of by that busy 290 road. Farm life can be really stressful for the humans, so I often offer my body to be massaged in times of stress, because I think it helps their brains. When I’m not needed for pets, I like to nap in the hallway by Ada’s office. I can protect her and also see folks coming in the front door.
Napping in my spot with my frenemy close by.
Favorite farm people? I love Mike Mo, he gives the best massages, and divvies out meat treats on the regular. Holy brisket, do I have a special place in my heart for the sound of the microwave door opening and/or closing over by Mike Mo’s desk. I prefer meat if you’re curious. I’m not super into the vegetable scene, the only thing I can stomach is carrots doused in chicken juice. I love chicken juice.
Thanks for being my favorite, Mike MO.
Back to humans... I’m into Lucas, but oh my stars, do I love Nate. If he were a dog, he’d be my man for sure. We roughhouse sometimes and make Grandpa Krishna nervous. To be honest, I love you, G-Pa Krishna, but we’re totally fine. Chill. You’re cramping my style and messing up my game with my crush. If I could, serious eye roll.
Knee deep in 'maters. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Qualms with farm life? Well, probably Chucha. She and I are kind of on the fritz eternally (as you can glean from the picture above). I think she’s jealous of my beautiful golden mane and luscious curves, but whatever. We co-exist. It’s a daily struggle. That's all I've got farm-wise. You can catch me exploring with my mom if you want to get to know me any better. No big deal, but I'm VERY adventurous. Doubt Chucha can say she's been half the places I've been.
Me, adventuring on the Llano.
Chooch. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
SUP? Chucha here. JBG is paradise and I made it that way. I'm almost positive it didn’t exist before me. I know I’m small, but once I ate a baby bunny, bones and all, in 30 seconds flat. You tell ME that’s not tough. I keep the farm vermin-free because I’m a ruthless hunter and fast as all get out. I like to think I'm the dog equivalent of Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious. If there are any squirrels, rabbits, or snakes reading this, watch yourself. I will consume you if you come anywhere near the veggies.
Me, consuming a bird, because it deserved it.
I’m wary of all other dogs besides my BFF/GF, Roxy. She’s gorgeous and can be bossed around. She’s totally my type. Missoula, on the other hand, needs to be watched. I tolerate her, but good lord, she is a fool for thinking she has the upper hand. That mutt is walkin' on thin ice with me. I love to nap underneath cars because I was born of fire. Plus, tires need to be watched. What’s the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? I hate wheels and love to herd them. People worry about me getting run over, but what do they know? I’m certainly not an idiot. My senses are keen and on point times infinity. I’m a glowing picture of dog health. Favorite farm food? Watermelon… and word on the farm is that they are coming soon. Heck yes.
Not to be messed with.
I love people. They give belly rubs, and those are the bomb.com. Lena, I prefer the most. She and I have a special bond. She doesn't take any crap, just like me. See ya at the next open house? Take note: I don't like any petty BS but love your unbridled attention. Peace out, farm fans.
Belly rubs. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
From all the farm dawgs here at JBG, we wish you a happy Friday and hope to see you at markets over the weekend!

This week, we are allowing the farm dogs, that you have all grown to know and love via social media + farm photo updates, have a taste of the farm blog limelight. Missoula, Chucha, and Roxy are our three dreamboat farm pups, and they are so ingrained in the farm lifestyle that we would absolutely be lost without them. They serve as emotional support during those long and stressful farm days, entertainment when someone’s in dire need of a smile, companionship for farm walks long or short, and an endless supply of friendly tail wags to anyone who graces the farm. First, we will hand off the mic to Roxy.

Hey farm friends! Roxy here. My story starts when Carrie found me on the side of the road around 6 years back. I haven't seen her in a while... miss you, Carrie. It’s all kind of a blur at this point because I like to focus on the now. Anyhoo, I was excited to be welcomed into the farm family, and when I set eyes on Brenton, I knew I had found home. My love and dedication to him cannot be rivaled. I usually follow him around because he needs me. But, if he’s nowhere to be found (I can’t believe I lose him sometimes! I can get so distracted by other people or smells 'n stuff.) I usually hang out with my yellow-haired friend, Casey. I love hanging out behind her desk while she’s talking into that thing that rings all the time. She needs me, too. Sleeping there is nice because I can rest (farm-dogging is tiring), and also get up to date on the gossip (her desk is the center of the office world). I really like people. When I'm not getting the attention I deserve, I usually just resort to getting on the two-legged level. Standing on my hind legs, I'm that much closer to the human heart. When a newcomer comes to the farm, Casey and Brenton usually warn people - 'don't give her too much attention or she'll push you down'. Well, what do they know? Hugs are the window into the human soul... I think that’s how the saying goes.

Gah, farm life is the best. I don’t have any complaints. Besides when people talk about my weight. I mean I really love that people care because I love them, too, but come on, It’s hard enough to be a lady dog. For the last time, I’m just naturally thin. I eat fine, I mean I live on a farm for goodness sakes. Especially with Grandpa Krishna around, giving out cookies every time I sit on command or just look at him with my dreamy eyes. Gah, I love that guy, too. He needs me.

I love you, whoever is reading this. Come to the farm and I’ll give you a hug because I love you.

Missoula here. In case you didn’t know, I’m the first bona fide office dog. It’s kind of my calling. It’s hard to leave every day because I think I was meant to be here. Things wouldn’t run without me. Sometimes I just lay on my back for an extra 30 minutes, at least, when my partner, Ada, is trying to leave because there's still work to be done at the end of the day. I think it frustrates her, but she takes videos oftentimes, so I get the feeling it's entertaining. So two birds with one stone, I guess.
I don’t really like to dwell on my past, but I came from the Hill Country and crossed paths with my girl, Ada (she sits at a desk at the farm so I think she's important), when I was frolicking through a field that I’m super fond of by that busy 290 road. Farm life can be really stressful for the humans, so I often offer my body to be massaged in times of stress, because I think it helps their brains. When I’m not needed for pets, I like to nap in the hallway by Ada’s office. I can protect her and also see folks coming in the front door.

Favorite farm people? I love Mike Mo, he gives the best massages, and divvies out meat treats on the regular. Holy brisket, do I have a special place in my heart for the sound of the microwave door opening and/or closing over by Mike Mo’s desk. I prefer meat if you’re curious. I’m not super into the vegetable scene, the only thing I can stomach is carrots doused in chicken juice. I love chicken juice.

Back to humans... I’m into Lucas, but oh my stars, do I love Nate. If he were a dog, he’d be my man for sure. We roughhouse sometimes and make Grandpa Krishna nervous. To be honest, I love you, G-Pa Krishna, but we’re totally fine. Chill. You’re cramping my style and messing up my game with my crush. If I could, serious eye roll.

Qualms with farm life? Well, probably Chucha. She and I are kind of on the fritz eternally (as you can glean from the picture above). I think she’s jealous of my beautiful golden mane and luscious curves, but whatever. We co-exist. It’s a daily struggle. That's all I've got farm-wise. You can catch me exploring with my mom if you want to get to know me any better. No big deal, but I'm VERY adventurous. Doubt Chucha can say she's been half the places I've been.


SUP? Chucha here. JBG is paradise and I made it that way. I'm almost positive it didn’t exist before me. I know I’m small, but once I ate a baby bunny, bones and all, in 30 seconds flat. You tell ME that’s not tough. I keep the farm vermin-free because I’m a ruthless hunter and fast as all get out. I like to think I'm the dog equivalent of Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious. If there are any squirrels, rabbits, or snakes reading this, watch yourself. I will consume you if you come anywhere near the veggies.

I’m wary of all other dogs besides my BFF/GF, Roxy. She’s gorgeous and can be bossed around. She’s totally my type. Missoula, on the other hand, needs to be watched. I tolerate her, but good lord, she is a fool for thinking she has the upper hand. That mutt is walkin' on thin ice with me. I love to nap underneath cars because I was born of fire. Plus, tires need to be watched. What’s the saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? I hate wheels and love to herd them. People worry about me getting run over, but what do they know? I’m certainly not an idiot. My senses are keen and on point times infinity. I’m a glowing picture of dog health. Favorite farm food? Watermelon… and word on the farm is that they are coming soon. Heck yes.

I love people. They give belly rubs, and those are the bomb.com. Lena, I prefer the most. She and I have a special bond. She doesn't take any crap, just like me. See ya at the next open house? Take note: I don't like any petty BS but love your unbridled attention. Peace out, farm fans.

From all the farm dawgs here at JBG, we wish you a happy Friday and hope to see you at markets over the weekend!