04/13/18 — Heydon Hatcher

It’s transition time at the farm! Days are getting longer and temperatures are slowly rising. With the arrival of Spring, we are moving from the hardy, winter crops to the tender, heat-loving ones. All the tomatoes, peppers, okra, and eggplants have been planted and fertilized! Onions are starting to bulb out, too! The cucurbits are in the ground and on their way, but it’s been tough for the melons this season. What’s a cucurbit, you might wonder? Think cucumbers, melons, and squashes! They love the heat, so this cool snap has them growing at a slower pace. We are holding our breath until they are ready to be picked! Summer's fruits sure are the bee's knees.
Tomato season quickly approaches with the first batch of green tomatoes headed to markets soon. Dust off that favorite fried green tomato recipe! Red tomatoes will be headed to your plates in the next month. We’ve been getting all of our ducks in a row in preparation for the wonderful yet chaotic tomato season; getting a good harvest/sorting team together, dialing in our commitments with wholesalers, and putting our ‘mater game faces on. Grapes are growing, but winter sure did take its toll on our vineyard.
Guess what we had the first harvest of this week? Potatoes! See you at markets this weekend to get these hot ‘taters! ‘Til next time!