02/09/18 — Heydon Hatcher
A new year and Spring is upon us! Transplanting season is here, and not only do we equate that with working our tails off getting those beloved spring crops in the ground, but it also means we are readying for some of our favorite annual events!
Transplant sales past. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Grape transplants. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Brenton spreading the gardening word. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Becky leading a farm tour. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Farm race! Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Kid's crafts. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Racers lounging on trailers post-race. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Music and dancing. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Sandpile shenanigans. Photo by Scott David Gordon.
- 2/24, 3/3, 3/10 - JBG Transplant Sale, Garfield Farm
- 3/3 - JBG Gardening Workshop, Garfield Farm
- 3/31 - Spring Picnic and Garden Gallop 5k
JBG Transplant Sale 2018
The first of which is the annual Transplant Sale. You might have caught some of the details in the First Friday Staff Picks post last week, but in case you didn’t, it will take place the last Saturday of February (2/24) and the first two Saturdays in March (3/3 + 3/10). Fast approaching, indeed! Get your gardens ready for our wide array of vegetables and fruits. This year, we have oodles of tomato varieties, peppers galore, flavorful fruits (think: persimmons, figs, pears, grapes, pomegranates, and more!), verdant greens, all the herbs, and even pecan transplants! Need pointers on how to prep your garden? Check out this blog post for some farm fresh ideas. Please note: we are doing things a bit differently this year with regard to the transplant sale! We won't be doing any online sales... we will only be selling transplants in person at the farm; however, for the weekend of March 3rd, we will take online orders and deliver them to farmers' markets only.

JBG Gardening Workshop
Also taking place on the March 3rd weekend, we will be having a Spring Gardening Workshop with Becky (our farm manager) + Brenton (our head farmer) from 10am-noon. The workshop will be from 10am-11:30, with a walking tour occurring at the final half hour. These two aforementioned horticultural wizards have some serious pro-tips on how to turn your backyard (or side yard, or community garden plot) into a productive spring garden that'll feed you and your family. This workshop is designed to equip Central Texas gardeners with the tools they need to plan and execute a successful spring vegetable garden, and is designed for novice and experienced gardeners, alike. Topics will include: site selection, soil prep, soil fertility, irrigation, planting guidelines, variety selection, and pest management. There will be useful, hands-on demos of proper planting, watering, and harvesting techniques, with a special focus on tomatoes. Participants will have an opportunity for an open discussion and Q&A session with both Brenton and Becky. Plus, a whole horde of “backyard bonuses,” as we like to call them, are included with your ticket purchase. One of which is a 10% discount off of the entirety of your transplant order! Yeehaw! Also, don’t worry, parents - we have childcare for the kids during the workshop, so you can focus on expanding your gardening know-how. Buy your tickets here!

JBG Spring Picnic and Garden Gallop 5K
The annual Spring Picnic is on the way, too! We are still honing in on the details for this farm-favorite event, but think morning-time, family-friendly, and FREE fun on Saturday, March 31st! We will have music and all the activities for the kiddos... the inconquerable sandpile, tractor climbing, arts and crafts, and more. Once again, we're inviting you and your family and/or friends to tour our farm and participate in our 5k Garden Gallop. The racing experts at Rogue Running will be on site once again ensuring this run is top-notch. Feel like you don’t want to run? Well, you are in luck, because walking, meandering, or skipping through the farm is honestly the BEST way (and quite popular) to enjoy seeing your veggies growing all around you. Don't be fooled or daunted, this event is for the walkers and runners, alike! Participants are lead through a short 3.1 mile path that takes you on a journey through rows of spring onions, mountains of tomato cages, and fields of flowers! Plus, it offers an exciting opportunity to explore our 186 organic acres of farmland.Like music and dancing? Well, we will have some boot-stomping bands to keep you moving if the Garden Gallop isn't your speed. More details soon!