11/03/17 — Heydon Hatcher

Our Fall Harvest Open House was incredibly successful! We thought that the cold snap would hinder folks from making the trip out, but we were so wrong. This was the best attended farm gathering we've had yet! A family even made the trip all the way from San Antonio to join in on the fun with an astounding population of First-Timers to boot! We had farm tours on our recently repaired flat bed trailers every 30 minutes with tour guides from Montana (our Direct Seed Lead), Becky (our Farm Manager), Kirby (our Greenhouse Manager), Brenton (our Head Farmer), and Ada (our CSA and Marketing Manager). We had a veggie print art station set up for the kids along with the sandpile and trampoline! The tractor line-up was also a hit as adults and kiddos alike got to explore a learn a little bit more about the machinery that aids in farming.
We have a handful of thanks to hand out to our lovely community partners. So here goes: a huge thanks to Hops and Grain for donating beer for the event. Farm tours on the back of our trailers were made exponentially more enjoyable by the delicious cold brews. Thanks to our friends at East Side Pies for donating pizza for our staff that volunteered to help with the event. Thanks to Callahan's for loaning us some hay for our photo booth. Thanks to Saigon Le Vendeur for coming out and selling some delicious Vietnamese food to hungry guests. Another thanks to Stacy and all the folks at Youga Yoga who came down and did some awesome acro-yoga + facepainting. And the biggest thank you goes to all of our volunteers that helped make the day happen! You guys rocked it!