11/02/17 — Heydon Hatcher

BOO! We love Halloween here at JBG. In fact, so much so that we all don our best and spookiest outfits to work and throw a bona fide costume contest. This isn't just any old contest, it can get pretty competitive as some of our favorite community partners donate prizes. We send a huge thanks to Yeti, Contigo, and Juiceland for kindly contributing highly sought-after loot for our contest winners. There are no rules or regulations on outfits except contestants still need to be able to farm in them.
The winners of our Second Annual Costume Contest are (drumroll, please)...
First place - Nicole, our Volunteer Coordinator, as a very convincing Scarecrow.

Second place - Patrick, on CSA packing crew, as a very unique Green Alien Mom.

Third place - Lena, our Wholesale Packing Manager, as a very tough Wario.

And the rest of the crew's costume glory: