08/25/17 — Heydon Hatcher

It’s time for the 5th Annual Farmer as Artist show at Prizer Arts & Letters! This exhibition explores the connections between farming and creativity and includes art from over 20 individuals who work in farming. With work from farmers at Boggy Creek Farm, Millberg Farm, Tecolote Farm, Urban Roots, Johnson’s Backyard Garden, Munkebo Farm, Farmshare Austin, Genesis Gardens, Agua Dulce, Texas Hill Country Olive Co, EllenMental Acres, Sand Holler Farm and more, this show is not to be missed. Proceeds from art sales to benefit Farmshare Austin.

Local Central Texas farmers share photography, painting, sculpture, mixed media, poetry, fiber arts, metals, woodworking, etc). The Prizer Creativity Room will be open and filled with supplies and invitations for participatory making on the theme.
Free food and drink, plus no shortage of delightful folks!

JBG Participants include the following:
- Brenton Johnson
- Drew Johnson
- Lyndsie DeCologero
- Mackenzie Smith

Opening Reception: Saturday, September 9, 6pm to 9pm
Exhibition Dates: Saturday, September 9 - September 23rd
Location: 2023 E. Cesar Chavez, Austin 78702
Contact: info@prizerartsandletters.org