07/07/17 — Heydon Hatcher
The arrival of a new month means another marvelous edition of our First Friday Staff Picks! We think that our staff is the best in the business (okay, okay, we are a little biased), but the JBG family hails from all over the place and covers the gamut in talents and interests. We love sharing events, adventures, and side projects that inspire and excite our JBG-ers (food-related or not) with the community. Check out the staff-curated list of favorites below!
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Ada (Marketing and CSA Manager) - Summertime, in general. Sure, it's sweltering, but Texas summers aren't so bad when you're plopped in water. When I first moved to Texas 10 or so years ago, I was enchanted by Texas's spring-fed rivers and creeks, and these readily-flowing or barely-trickling water sources still have my attention. Where I grew up, swimming holes are muddy brown and sprinkled with the occasional alligator (a different kind of charm). Went kayaking a couple weeks ago on the South Llano with pup, and finished off the trip with a fried catfish plate from Segovia Truck Stop near Junction. Highly recommended day trip!
Really excited to see what the women at Ft. Lonesome have stitched up for their first-ever art show happening this Saturday. Open to the public, and sure to wow.
Mike Mo (Wholesale Manager) - Watermelons, lightly salted, because it's summertime and those melons sure are delicious.
Photo by Scott David Gordon.
Lena (Wholesale Team) - This is a month of nostalgia for me, I’m going to Dallas next week to see Third Eye Blind for the first time, 20 years after their first album was released. As a kid, I listened to that CD so many times that the liner notes were in tatters. I’m also going to Michelle Branch’s show at Emo’s at the end of the month, the last time I saw her play was 14 years ago! She has a new album out that I’ve been listening to a lot.
As for TV, I inhaled all of GLOW on Netflix last weekend and really enjoyed it. I’m also in the middle of a full-series rewatch of Veep and it has reminded me that there is nothing on television that delights me more than Sam Richardson’s brilliant work as the clueless Richard Splett.
Sarah (Volunteer Coordinator) - Barton Springs in the wee hours of the morning, look at how beautiful and quiet it is!
Barton Springs.
And the shower rooms, such a quiet and pleasant place to shave your legs after your early morning swim if you feel like it.
Also look at this little frog I found in a bin of veggies! Actually, would like to dedicate the rest of my post to all of the wildlife I've found among the vegetables:
Hector (Social Media Extraordinaire) - I got an Excalibur dehydrator on sale and I've been making chips out of EVERY veggie we have at the farm. I've only put salt on these first batches but next ones might include some marination beforehand as well as possible vegetable leather for snacking.
I'm also submitting a piñata to the Farmer as an Artist show, just for fun. I'm between an anatomically correct one or a veggie inspired.
Heydon (Farm Blogger) - I've probably watched Mac DeMarco's Blogotheque performance 100 times. Love him. Check it out here.
I went on a long hiatus from shooting film, and have just recently re-opened the floodgates. I'm obsessed. Here's a fave from the recent Tomato U-Pick at the Garfield farm.
And another of one of a dear friend catchin' some serious air.
Farm, in general - Today marks the 5th anniversary that Krishna has joined our team as our fearless Operations Manager. Krishna is a beloved leader here at the farm, and has helped foster tremendous growth and innovation over the past 5 years... he's the perfect balance to Brenton, and helps make things happen. Krishna's work ethic is only surpassed by his genuine love and care for our JBG Family. For his secret stash of cookies, his calm and kind resolve, and for his supreme intellect... we are very thankful! Don't know where we would be without you, Krishna!
Krishna RULES! Beautiful portrait by Lucas Rager.
Missoula (Farm Dog) - Mike Mo. I embellished this photo of him because I love him.
Photo by Scott David Gordon. Embellishments by Missoula Broussard.
Roxy and Chucha (Farm Dogs) - Air Conditioned offices, and the UPS delivery driver who knows where our treats are stored in said office.

Ada (Marketing and CSA Manager) - Summertime, in general. Sure, it's sweltering, but Texas summers aren't so bad when you're plopped in water. When I first moved to Texas 10 or so years ago, I was enchanted by Texas's spring-fed rivers and creeks, and these readily-flowing or barely-trickling water sources still have my attention. Where I grew up, swimming holes are muddy brown and sprinkled with the occasional alligator (a different kind of charm). Went kayaking a couple weeks ago on the South Llano with pup, and finished off the trip with a fried catfish plate from Segovia Truck Stop near Junction. Highly recommended day trip!
Really excited to see what the women at Ft. Lonesome have stitched up for their first-ever art show happening this Saturday. Open to the public, and sure to wow.
Mike Mo (Wholesale Manager) - Watermelons, lightly salted, because it's summertime and those melons sure are delicious.

Lena (Wholesale Team) - This is a month of nostalgia for me, I’m going to Dallas next week to see Third Eye Blind for the first time, 20 years after their first album was released. As a kid, I listened to that CD so many times that the liner notes were in tatters. I’m also going to Michelle Branch’s show at Emo’s at the end of the month, the last time I saw her play was 14 years ago! She has a new album out that I’ve been listening to a lot.
As for TV, I inhaled all of GLOW on Netflix last weekend and really enjoyed it. I’m also in the middle of a full-series rewatch of Veep and it has reminded me that there is nothing on television that delights me more than Sam Richardson’s brilliant work as the clueless Richard Splett.
Sarah (Volunteer Coordinator) - Barton Springs in the wee hours of the morning, look at how beautiful and quiet it is!

And the shower rooms, such a quiet and pleasant place to shave your legs after your early morning swim if you feel like it.
Also look at this little frog I found in a bin of veggies! Actually, would like to dedicate the rest of my post to all of the wildlife I've found among the vegetables:

Hector (Social Media Extraordinaire) - I got an Excalibur dehydrator on sale and I've been making chips out of EVERY veggie we have at the farm. I've only put salt on these first batches but next ones might include some marination beforehand as well as possible vegetable leather for snacking.
I'm also submitting a piñata to the Farmer as an Artist show, just for fun. I'm between an anatomically correct one or a veggie inspired.
Heydon (Farm Blogger) - I've probably watched Mac DeMarco's Blogotheque performance 100 times. Love him. Check it out here.
I went on a long hiatus from shooting film, and have just recently re-opened the floodgates. I'm obsessed. Here's a fave from the recent Tomato U-Pick at the Garfield farm.
And another of one of a dear friend catchin' some serious air.
Farm, in general - Today marks the 5th anniversary that Krishna has joined our team as our fearless Operations Manager. Krishna is a beloved leader here at the farm, and has helped foster tremendous growth and innovation over the past 5 years... he's the perfect balance to Brenton, and helps make things happen. Krishna's work ethic is only surpassed by his genuine love and care for our JBG Family. For his secret stash of cookies, his calm and kind resolve, and for his supreme intellect... we are very thankful! Don't know where we would be without you, Krishna!

Missoula (Farm Dog) - Mike Mo. I embellished this photo of him because I love him.

Roxy and Chucha (Farm Dogs) - Air Conditioned offices, and the UPS delivery driver who knows where our treats are stored in said office.