02/03/17 — Heydon Hatcher

The arrival of a new month means another marvelous edition of our First Friday Staff Picks! We think that our staff is the best in the business (okay, okay, we are a little biased), but the JBG family hails from all over the place and covers the gamut in talents and interests. We love sharing events, adventures, and side projects that inspire and excite our JBG-ers (food-related or not) with the community. Check out the staff-curated list of favorites below!
Mike Mo (Wholesale Manager) - Mr. Robot. Just started watching the show. Good stuff.
Kenny (Farm Administrator) - Nikki Glazer @ Cap City Friday, 27th through Sunday, 29th. I once called her the Stewart Copeland of comedy. For those who're wondering, that's a joke about timing. PAH DUM CHIIISSSSSSSSH. Aaaaaand Asleep At The Wheel @ Mercer Street Dance Hall in Drippin' Sprangs Saturday Feb 4th, because I still don't know how to two-step and my Grandfather's prolly rolling in his grave about it. Also Rutabaga can't come outta the ground fast enough because sour, bitter things forever. The latter half of that also works as a broad swath east-coaster statement for all things.
Travis (Wholesale Manager) - Not to be a band wagon-er, but I have to agree with Kenny on multiple things this month. On the two-step topic, I'm starting two-step lessons on Sunday. While this may not be a HUGE event for everyone else, I've lived in Texas for over two decades and still don't know how to do it. If I don't learn soon, I'm pretty sure my girlfriend will leave me for one of the slick elderly gentlemen at the Broken Spoke and my "Texan" card will be revoked permanently. In other concert-related news, if recent political events make you feel the need to don a battle vest and stick a close pin through your nose, there are plenty of good, old-fashioned angry-music shows coming up. In particular, Night Birds and Obedience are playing the Mohawk on Feb. 10th. and Yob and Weak Flesh are playing at Grizzly Hall on the 20th, if you are so inclined. With the current state of the world, I know we can all be a little grumpy, so why don't you come get those feels out in the pit?
Heydon (Blog Writer) - Miranda Brooks' landscape design work blows my little plant-lovin' mind. Her loose, seemingly effortless gardens with verdant labyrinthine pathways winding throughout makes me yearn to be there. Check out her work in Anna Wintour's garden here.
THE OA. It is quite an amazing melting pot of a sci-fi, thriller, mystery bildungsroman. It will really get you diggin' interpretive dance (I was totally transfixed!)... a statement which won't make a lot of sense until the final episodes of the season. Enjoy!
Ada (CSA & Marketing Manager) - Heydon. She's awesome.
Hector (Social Media Extraordinare) - Besides being thoroughly obsessed with the Moana soundtrack (Lin-Manuel Miranda fanboy here!) I've started reading more books from female writers. I read Beloved by Toni Morrison, Stiff by Mary Roach, and The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende. Send your recommendations my way!
Megan (Recipe Blogger) - Looking forward to cooler weather this weekend (it's still winter, right?) and seeing Angel Olsen at the Mohawk on Tuesday!!!!! If you haven't checked her out, start with her latest album "My Woman." I've been spinning it constantly since it came out in September, and am still as obsessed as ever.
Lena (Wholesale Team) - On Feb. 19th, a few select movie theaters in Austin are showing Allegiance: The Broadway Musical. It’s inspired by George Takei’s childhood experience as one of the 120,000 Japanese Americans placed in internment camps after Pearl Harbor. As the daughter of Japanese immigrants it’s an especially important story for me to watch, and as a bonus it co-stars Lea Salonga whom I already LOVE from Disney’s Aladdin and Mulan!
Ryan (Bulk Crew) - CodeNEXT, the city of Austin land use development code. We just got the first draft released to the public and it is going to be THE defining municipal issue of 2017. What zone you end up in will have a huge influence on how your area develops going forward. Environmental protections will also be determined by the new code, so familiarize yourselves with the content and get ready for a draft zoning map in April.
Farm, in general - Join us for our Local Foods Awareness Day at the Capitol on Thursday, March 9. Help us promote the passage of bills that will enhance the ability of small farmers to make a living!