01/13/17 — Heydon Hatcher

We get pretty strong winds out here, so with the wind chill the temperature dropped below 20 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. While we plant the best varieties we can find for our climate, there just aren't many crops that can survive a freeze like that. Root crops like carrots, beets and turnips handle it the best, with greens at the opposite end of the spectrum. The last of our fall broccoli and cauliflower were pretty much wiped out, and we saw significant damage to collards, kale, rainbow chard and bok choy. If you see any veggies in the next week or two with a little frost damage, don't fret! They're still tasty and packed with nutrition. We appreciate your understanding that Mother Nature is one of the toughest co-workers out there!
In other news, We started training some awesome new transplant crew members this week! Happy to welcome Cody, Velvet, Sam and Josh to the JBG team. Onions are going in along with more spinach, cilantro, pea tendrils and arugula. Brandon seeded a bunch of new herbs in the greenhouse this week including sorrel, thyme, oregano, and sage. Keep an eye out for some succulent new lettuce varieties coming out of our hoop house over the next week or so - we have Boston bibb, red romaine, red butterhead and more (which was warm and snug behind closed doors all weekend)! The weather's playing tricks on us with its 50 degree swings, and yesterday felt more like May than January.