01/01/16 — Farm
Happy 2016 from the farm family to yours! This week we celebrate 2015 in photographs, and get ready to start the cycle all over again in the New Year (after a much needed day off!). A huge thank-you to the farm photographer, Scott David Gordon. Scott is a real asset to our farm - he's out in the fields every week, rain or shine, to take all of these photos so that we can share this experience with you, our farm's community. Thank you, Scott!
Photo by Scott David Gordon
Artichokes enjoying the cooler weather. Photo by Scott David Gordon
In January we built a "fence" of sorts, out of nothing other than sugar cane! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Tomatoes fill our greenhouse in February, to plant in March and sell at our annual Transplant Sale. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Red cabbage newly transplanted. Photo by Scott David Gordon
The first spring artichokes. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Kate Payne came for a great pickling class in March - the cold weather moved it into our greenhouses. Photo by Scott David Gordon
A field full of flowering collard greens. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Our first Spring strawberries! Photo by Scott David Gordon
The Spring Hoedown was a great way to kick off April. Photo by Scott David Gordon
We hosted our first ever 5k on the farm this spring! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Overwintered carrots are the sweetest. Photo by Scott David Gordon
We had lots of flowering crops, like these onions, this Spring, which attracted loads of pollinators! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Montana pushes tomato stakes into the ground. Photo by Scott David Gordon
With a seriously rainy May, we had to dig all of your potatoes by hand this year! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Temo puts a grape tranplant in the ground - we put in an acre of table grapes at JBG this year! Photo by Scott David Gordon
June means melons in Texas! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Transplanting hot-weather greens. Photo by Scott David Gordon
June also means...tomatoes! Photo by Scott David Gordon
Harvesting zucchini. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Purple basil growing in the field. Photo by Scott David Gordon
We grew a LOT of sunflowers this summer. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Early morning okra harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Andrew washes beets at our packing shed. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Brenton and Vicente bringing in a big flower harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Our greenhouses are bursting at the seams with fall and winter transplants. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Late summer fields. Photo by Scott David Gordon
A misty morning in our cabbage patch. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Harvesting the first fall Collards. Photo by Scott David Gordon
October brought new crops, but also the worst flood we've ever experienced at JBG. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Runners in the fields during our second 5k, the Harvest Hustle, at the JBG Fall Picnic. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Cauliflower ready to harvest. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Photo by Scott David Gordon
Young lettuce mix. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Cultivating on a foggy morning. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Washing those famous JBG Homegrown Carrots at our packing shed. Photo by Scott David Gordon










