06/18/15 — Farm

CSA Members - We Need Your Input!
As many of you know, I am someone who is constantly coming up with new ways to improve the farm. I have written about how things on the farm are always changing as we try new methods for growing that will increase our sustainability and efficiency. Some of these methods end up working, while others we take back to the drawing board. What stays constant is our drive to grow the highest quality organic produce that we can.
This drive to improve doesn't end in the field, though. As your farmer, I want to make the CSA experience the best it can be, and while I may have lots of ideas on my own about how to do this, what I really need is to hear from you! As a CSA member, you know more than anyone what is working well for you and what needs improvement. Soon, we will be emailing you a survey about the CSA. Please keep an eye out for this and complete it if you can. With your input, this CSA will only get better and better!

New CSA Pickup and Market Stand at The ABGB!
I'm excited to announce that we now have a new Sunday CSA pickup and market stand site at The ABGB located at 1305 West Oltorf! The farm stand at the ABGB will be open to all on Sundays from 12pm-3pm, and CSA members can elect to pick up their shares at this time, too. And since we will have a market stand there, CSA members can swap out any vegetables their box for ones in our booth.
My hope is that CSA members - and vegetable lovers in general - will enjoy hanging out at The ABGB on Sundays. Believe me, the beer garden is a super welcoming space - and their pizza is really good. It's kid friendly for all you fellow parents out there, and if you have dogs, they're welcome there, too. And, as if all of that weren't enough, The ABGB has live music on Sundays starting at 4pm. Who could ask for more? Hope to see you there one Sunday!