04/23/15 — Farm

I have always liked looking at maps, so it's no wonder that I also love using Google Earth. It's funny, I don't get to leave the farm much, but using Google Earth I can tour the world. I probably spend way too much time looking at farmland online - it's kind of like spending my day in the real fields and then turning to virtual fields at night. It's not that bad - I don't do it every night - but I do love to see what I can find out there. And, you would be amazed at what can be learned and the ideas I get just by using Google Earth.
It was through looking at maps that I recently made a discovery about our farm. All this time, I thought our farm at River Road was in Cedar Creek, TX. It turns out, though, that almost 80% of our land is in Garfield, TX. I did some research, and when you have property like ours that is split between two towns, your address is determined by access to the property. We have three access points at JBG, but the primary one is in Garfield. To me, this is big news! I love Garfield, and I'm thrilled to know that JBG can officially claim to be part of this quaint little Texas town. I am so happy about it that I want to change the way we refer to our farm out here. As you know, I usually just call it River Road. Not any more - now, it is the Garfield farm!
I have been getting onto some of our employees about using the new name - so much so that I've been a bit like a broken record.... "Not River Road...Garfield!" I think they finally get it though - check out this picture that's been going around:

So, all CSA members - I hope to see you out at the Garfield farm on May 9th from 6pm to 8:30pm for the CSA potluck. This event is free and is exclusively for our current CSA members and families. It will be much more intimate than the hoedown. I really love connecting one-on-one with the people who eat what we grow - plus, I need to thank you for supporting us every week through your CSA membership. Since we are the Live Music Capital of the World, we will have to have some good music and, since it is a CSA member potluck, I know we will have really good food. Come hang out, bring the kids to play in the big sand pile, and bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage of choice. I want you to see how the crops are doing and to see where your food is grown - out in Garfield! For more information and to RSVP, please click here.

And on your way out here, be sure to check out the little town of Garfield - I say "little" because it's population is less than 2,000, but it's full of charm. It is the only place I know of that has a library that also shares space with a diner! This diner/library is right on 71, and it is called Hit the Spot. To me, this seems like a great community/business partnership. Plus, they serve really good food for breakfast and lunch - go check it out and see what you think. Maybe then you'll understand why I'm so happy to be located in Garfield!