04/09/15 — Farm

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came out to the farm last Saturday for the Spring Hoedown and Garden Gallop. I had so much fun - I'd even go so far as to say it was our best hoedown yet! I think the reason I enjoyed it so much is that we were finally able to host it out at River Road. I loved that so many of you were able to come see where we grow our vegetables, and it was especially fun for me to literally run around the fields with you. I had a blast - so much so that I am already planning a race for the Fall Hoedown in early October - it's going to be called the Harvest Hustle!

What do they say in farming? You reap what you sow. For this hoedown, we put more time and energy into it than ever before, and it really paid off. I think I lost 20 lbs in the process of trying to get the new stage and barn ready to go in the days leading up to the event. As those of you who ran the race saw, I was working down to the last minute. Right before the race started, I stopped working, jumped on stage, and stripped down to my running clothes! From that point on, it was pure fun - running and great food, music, and company. It all went so smoothly, and for this, I have to thank our amazing CSA Manager, Ada Broussard. I may have worked on getting the infrastructure in place, but it's in large part thanks to Ada that we had such an amazing hoedown - she did an outstanding job.
I also have to say thank you to all of the vendors and musicians who worked to make this event such a success. The music was fantastic - thank you to Chansons et Soulards, Out of the Blue, La Tampiquena, Show & Tellers, and Gumbo Ce Soir. Ironwood Ice House really hit it out of the park with the food! It was so good - you all outdid yourselves! And Lick Honest Ice Cream - you all are amazing, too! I love ice cream, and you all do not disappoint. We had such strong support from businesses all over this city, and my thanks goes out to these generous establishments: Frank, Spinbelt, Woods Apothecary, Saucony, Texas Running Co., Juiceland, Rockin Tomato, Jacobys, Cenote, Peche, Kate Payne/Hip Girls' Guide, HOPE Farmers Market, Dia Due, Yonder Way Farms, Qui, Wheatsville, Max's Wine Dive, Golden Spike Railcart, Castle Hill, Paramount Theatre, Moontower, Salt and Time, Jester king, Dancin' Austin, Just Trees, Whole Foods, ABGB, Thirsty Planet, Circle Brewing, Adelbert's Brewery, Moonshine Sweet Tea, Natural Epicurian, DoMore Race Services, and Casa Brazil!
Finally, we really couldn't have hosted this event (at least not very well...) without the hard-working volunteers who lent their time and efforts last Saturday. As volunteers, not only did you help our guests have a great time, you enabled our employees to take a bit of a break, too. They got to put their literal and figurative hoes down! I thank all of the volunteers for the gift of their time and for supporting local agriculture in the process.

And, finally, thank you again to all who supported Farmshare Austin by coming to the Hoedown. I hope that many of you also got a chance to see Farmshare's teaching farm - they are doing an amazing job both teaching new farmers and growing produce for our community. In fact, here's another opportunity to lend them your support - and all it takes it a click-a-day online between now and April 27th! I know you can do it! Farmshare is in the running for a Seeds of Change Grant that will enable them to continue operating a farmers market at the Safe Place shelter once a week. Vegetables for the market is harvested at Farmshare's educational farm and then all produce is donated to the Safeplace residents. Please help Farmshare Austin maintain this worthy program by voting here. You can also help by spreading the word and getting your friends to vote for Farmshare. My thanks to you for taking the time to do this between now and April 27th.

Potluck for CSA Members on Saturday, May 9th
I had such a blast last Saturday that I am ready to do it again! So, guess what? We've decided to host another potluck on the afternoon/evening of Saturday, May 9th for all CSA members. This event will be free and is exclusively for current CSA members and families. As much as I enjoyed the big hoedown last Saturday, I would love to have the opportunity to connect with CSA members one-on-one at this smaller gathering, too. I want to be able to express my gratitude to all of you who support us week-in and week-out through your membership. I can't overstate how important it is to know that we have the backing of such a committed group of people willing to pay in advance for a share of our harvest - it gives me tremendous confidence. The CSA has always been at the heart of our farm, and I hope all members will come out on the 9th to celebrate being part of this amazing community. We will have live music, and, I can guarantee right now that the food will be out of this world (I know this because you all will be doing the cooking, and we have some incredible chefs in this fine group of people!). Stay tuned for more info on how to RSVP for this CSA-member potluck - I want to see you there!