03/26/15 — Farm

Need something to cool off now that warmer weather is here? Try this smoothie recipe from Brenton's long-time friend, Todd Martin.
Todd's Favorite Smoothie Recipe
Six or seven kale leaves (cut out the fat part of the stalk because it makes the smoothie too frothy)
A carrot or two
A banana
A lot of blueberries
Some cinnamon
A little cardamom
Blend all that smooth in a Vitamix blender or the like. Then, it's good to add some almonds and blend for a little longer. Use frozen blueberries and frozen banana or to make it cold. Add a little water if needed (or a little fruit juice if you like it sweeter) and blend until smooth.
Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe that you make with your JBG vegetables? We want to know what it is! Send it to us at farm@jbgorganic.com.