05/02/13 — Farm

SFC Local Food Potluck & Graduation at Barr Mansion
In celebration of the completion of another season of Citizen Gardener and Austin Permaculture, the Sustainable Food Center (SFC) is proud to announce the Spring 2013 Local Food Potluck & Celebration at the lovely Barr Mansion (10463 Sprinkle Road) on Monday, May 6th from 6:30 -9:30 PM.
At the potluck, we will recognize the new crop (pun) of Citizen Gardener and Permaculture Design Course Graduates and honor many of your favorite Farmers, Ranchers, Gardeners, Chefs, Restaurants, and Market Folks.
The event is open to the public, all you need is a friendly smile and a friend, and a potluck dish - salad, side dish, veggie, meat & veggie, or dessert - made with all/some Local ingredients - from your own garden, a Farmers Market, Farm Stand, or retail market. Also, please bring a TX-Beverage of your choice for yourself and a little extra to share with an old/new friend.
We could use volunteers to set up at 5:30p-6:30p or help clean-up at 9:00p-10:00p. If you are available, please email Dick Pierce at dickpiercedesigns (AT) gmail (DOT) com
To thank the Barr Mansion for their hospitality, a $5 donation is suggested.
Pass this invitation around, invite friends, bring family - so we can make this the best Local Food Potluck yet. For more information and to RSVP, please click here.