We've got lots of cabbage growing in the fields right now. We planted about ten different varieties, including lots of trials of red cabbages and larger varieties of Savoy cabbages. Before, we've grown mini Savoy cabbages, but this is the first time for the larger varieties, and we've been really happy with the high-quality results. We'll be harvesting cabbage now through the end of May; then, we will be storing much of this crop. One of the great things about cabbage is that, unlike so much of what we grow, it lasts when stored properly. To keep cabbage fresh once you get it home, refrigerate it in a hydrator drawer in a plastic bag and do not remove the outer leaves before storage.
A field of cabbage. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Cabbage. Photo by Scott David Gordon
Cabbage harvest: each plant gets harvested one time only. Photo by Scott David Gordon